Extra 1: Laohu and Wuya

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"Hey Wuya guess what, she agreed to go on a date with me tonight at Amour Restaurant." Laohu exclaimed as he entered the office.

"Who?" Wuya wondered. He couldn't recall which of the beastwoman Laohu was talking about.

"It can't be the beastwoman from that stupid online dating site, Yang said he'd gotten her to agree to go on a date with him." Wuya thought. His mind quickly recalling all the woman Laohu was trying to woo.

"Officer GongZhu, she recently transferred over from planet 6682479. She's real pretty, and nice. She's different from those other girls. She didn't shy away or anything when I got close. Yeah, I can feel it. She's the one; my soulmate!" Laohu exclaimed in a loud boisterous voice. The excitement and hope obvious to anyone within earshot.

"Soulmate? What do you know about soulmates?" Wuya scoffed.

"I'm telling you I can feel it." Laohu said. Apparently unfazed by Wuya's attitude.

Wuya sat down at his desk and began researching something on his tablet, effectively ignoring Laohu.

Unbeknownst to Laohu, Wuya wasn't doing his work but pulling up Officer GongZhu's records. He wanted to know who she was and why she might be willing to date Laohu.

It wasn't the first time Wuya had done this. At first he wanted to protect the romantic and soft hearted Laohu from those with bad intentions.

Since they attended the military academy he and Laohu became targets. Women and men targeted them in hopes of getting closer to their friend Xiongmao. A man they believed was destined to hold a powerful position.

To protect the innocent Laohu, Wuya had taken it upon himself to investigate everyone that approached them. Unfortunately, for Laohu most of his 'dates' or 'love interests' were only approaching him to get closer to Xiongmao, the man who was now their Marshal.

While Wuya was busy investigating the beastwoman GongZhu, Laohu continued discussing his plans. Everything from the restaurant to what he would wear that night for his date.

Eventually, Wuya found the information he was looking for. Information he hoped he wouldn't find, because it meant Laohu would have his heart broken again.

That night as Laohu left to prepare for his date, Wuya also left to talk to Officer GongZhu.

"Officer GongZhu, may we speak?" Wuya asked.

"Your Lieutenant Wuya? It's a pleasure to meet you. Lieutenant Laohu often speaks about you." She said with a kind smile.

"I wish I could say the same about you." Wuya scoffed.

Taken aback by Wuya's tone GongZhu put on a pitiful look. "Have I done something to anger you?" She asked.

"Let me be blunt. Break off all contact with Lieutenant Laohu or I will forcibly have you transferred to a planet at the border of the Empire." Wuya asserted.

"Why? Why would you say such a thing?" She asked.

Wuya pulled up several documents using the bracelet's screen sharing option. Each one revealed her ties with the NSF. Many names Wuya had long associated with Marshal Xiongmao's enemies.

Seeing the evidence presented to her, GongZhu gave up on her pitiful and innocent act. "So what if I'm using him. It's not like he won't get anything out of it? Rather the one losing in this deal is me. I have to pretend to like that idiotic man. Listen to him drag on and and on about true love and soulmates." She scoffed unabashed by her true motives.

"I understand, please pack up your things and prepare for reassignment. Your ship leaves in two hours." Wuya said without mercy.

"Wait, you can't do that?" She exclaimed.

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