Chapter 4

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When Pei Yi followed Uncle Kai back to Bo Manor, it was completely dark.

Bo Yueming, who was sitting quietly on the sofa, noticed the sound and turned his head slightly toward the door.

The gazes of the two parties met in mid-air, although one clearly couldn't see.

"Second Young Master, I have brought Little Young Master Pei back," Uncle Kai took the initiative to prompt, and immediately glanced around the empty villa.

Ever since the accident happened to Bo Yueming's eyes, he was less and less willing to let the servants around him serve him.

Bo Yueming took a sip of the warm water in his hand and didn't have much to say. "You take him up first, and come down later to talk with me."


Uncle Kai turned to look at Pei Yi, who was still standing at the door, and thought that he was nervous or scared. "Little Young Master, shall I take you to your room?"

Pei Yi gave an indiscernible reply and followed Uncle Kai up the stairs. He pretended to be unfamiliar and observed everything around him, but in fact, his target was Bo Yueming-

Perhaps being discreet was unnecessary. There was only a small lamp left on in the living room, and the dim light quietly enveloped Bao Yueming, outlining his handsome profile and at the same time imbuing his figure with a trace of loneliness and coldness.

"Little Young Master, the situation of our Bo family and the background of the Second Young Master are a bit complicated.

Uncle Kai's words brought back Pei Yi's wandering thoughts.

Pei Yi's eyes revealed his lack of understanding, but he actually had a clear picture of the relationships in the Bo family-

Bo Yueming's grandmother, Bo Peizhi, had always held power in the Bo family. She was a well-known strong woman in the Imperial capital circle, and in her hands, the Bo family business not only did not lose half a cent, but it also made it to the top of the nation.

But on the contrary, it was Old Mr. Bo who was the powerful head of the household presently. His original name was Cheng Yangshan, and he joined the Bo family when he was young.

After Bo Peizhi and Cheng Yangshan married, she gave birth to two sons successively. Bo Yueming's father's name was Bo Lihong, the second child in the family.

Bo Lihong was quite romantic when he was young. When he went abroad for further study, he met a beautiful young woman. He quickly pursued her and even proposed marriage, but within two years, he broke up with her and returned to China with his suitcase in hand.

Only, no one expected that the woman would discover she was pregnant after the breakup.

She hated that scumbag Bo Linhong, but she still couldn't bear to harm an innocent life. The child she gave birth to after ten months of pregnancy was Bo Yueming.

When Bo Yueming was six years old, his mother suddenly disappeared. After some consideration, relatives and friends took the young Bo Yueming to China and sought out the Bo family.

At that time, Bo Lihong had already married and had a child. Facing this sudden extra child, he was naturally angry and refused to own up to it.

After a lot of tossing around, it was finally Bo Peizhi who came forward to recognize this grandson. She gave him the Chinese name 'Bo Yueming' and took him to her side to raise him.

Because of this background, no matter how excellent and motivated Bo Yueming was, not fighting or competing, everyone in the first and second branches of the family still detested him very much.

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