Extra 4

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In no time at all, the electronic clock on the wall sounded the announcement that it was three o’clock.

Pei Yi looked at the glass door that no one had entered, and there was a trace of imperceptible loss and uneasiness in his eyes.

He quickly drank the remaining flower tea water in the thermos, still staring motionlessly at the door.

Bo Yueming saw that the person sitting next to him had changed from lively and active to extremely silent, and it seemed like he would stare a hole through the door with his eager gaze before giving up.

“Pei Yi?”


Pei Yi slowly turned his gaze back to Bo Yueming, his pupils trembling. He held the canteen in his arms, as if this could suppress the uneasiness inside.

Bo Yueming recalled what Coach Gao had told Pei Yi just now. “Your parents are picking you up at three o’clock?”

Pei Yi nodded slightly, feeling a sense of indescribable grievance. “Father Yan said he would pick me up at three o’clock.”

The other party always did as he promised.


Father Yan and Father Rong?

When Bo Yueming heard Pei Yi say something that was different from “Father and Mother,” the precocious and intelligent boy suddenly understood something.

As he was thinking, Pei Yi suddenly reached out and grabbed Bo Yueming’s wrist, feeling a little unsure. “Er-ge, did I get into big trouble today?”

Bo Yueming saw the anxiety that Pei Yi was trying hard to hide, and inexplicably patted his little head through the helmet. “Since nothing happened to anyone, it’s not a huge disaster. Don’t be nervous. They might just be delayed on the road.”

Pei Yi nodded dully, his brow furrowed.

Bo Yueming glanced at Coach Gao to the side and stepped forward.

After a moment, he returned with a phone that had already been dialed. “Here, it’s your parents’ number.”

Pei Yi took it slowly. “Hello?”

Xu Rong’s voice sounded. “Xiao Yi, it’s Father Rong. Don’t be afraid, we’re already on our way to pick you up.”

“Father Rong.”

Pei Yi gave a nasal hum.

Xu Rong promised, “Be good, just wait for us for another ten minutes. Father Rong promises to be there, okay?”

Pei Yi’s eyes reddened, and he held back the moisture. “En.”

The phone hung up.

Pei Yi handed the phone back in a well-behaved manner and smiled again. “Thank you, Er-ge.”

Bo Yueming saw how quickly his emotions came and went, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously before falling again. “When you encounter problems in the future, you can’t just stand there and be upset. You have to find a way to take the initiative and solve them.”

Pei Yi nodded at once, and the admiration in his heart rose another level.

. . . . . . .

Ten minutes later, Pei Yi saw two familiar figures outside the glass door. He slid off his chair and ran over.

“Father Yan, Father Rong!”

Bo Yueming immediately averted his eyes. When he saw Pei Yi throw himself into the arms of one of the men, the suspicion in his heart became true—

[BL] After Playing the Fool and Marrying the Blind Villain [Transmigration] | ✓Where stories live. Discover now