Extra 14

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After washing up, Pei Yi sat on the bed, the curve of his mouth still not going down.

Footsteps sounded at the door as Bo Yueming came back from outside with a glass of warm water.

Seeing this, Pei Yi hurriedly got up from the bed and threw himself into the other person’s arms. “Er-ge!”


The water in the cup overflowed onto his hand, but Bo Yueming didn’t get angry with Pei Yi. He just encircled the other person with one arm and placed the cup firmly at the bedside with the other.

Pei Yi knew he was too excited, and picked up a tissue to wipe his hand. He was still immersed in happiness and couldn’t extricate himself. “Er-ge, does, does this count as being in a relationship?”

Bo Yueming sat on the bedside and gestured to him. “Come here.”

Pei Yi withdrew his intention and sat face-to-face in his arms. “En?”

“Were you confused by the sweetness of the cake?” Bo Yueming encircled Pei Yi tightly and tossed the question back. “With us like this now, do you think we are in a relationship?”

“Of course we are!”

Pei Yi answered confidently with a hint of pride. He asked curiously, “Er-ge, when…..when did you treat me differently?”

Bo Yueming understood his question and answered honestly, “There was no specific time. By the time I realized, it was already too late.”

Too late to return to the status of “brother,” and too late to stop “liking” Pei Yi.

Pei Yi didn’t think Bo Yueming’s answer was perfunctory. He considered carefully before responding, “It seems to be the same for me.”

Years of being together day and night had caused them to trust each other, rely on each other, and fall in love with each other. There was no strict timeline of emotional transition.

If he had to point out a time, perhaps the unexpected encounter at the racecourse had destined their fates to intersect, and today’s wish had completely tied the two together.

“Er-ge, you should have realized your feelings before I did. Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Pei Yi was a little regretful. He felt that—

If Bo Yueming had guided him and enlightened him earlier, the two might have been together long ago.

Falling in love early…..it was very exciting to think about.

With a look from Pei Yi, Bo Yueming knew what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd. He patted the other’s little head full of wandering thoughts and answered seriously, “Kitten, I like you, but I never want to force you to be with me.”

“If I used my status as your ‘brother’ to deliberately lead you into a trap unawares, then I would not be worthy of your love.”

Bo Yueming would not deny that he was selfish, but after realizing his feelings, he restrained himself to the greatest extent.

He waited, waiting for the moment Pei Yi realized it himself.

Pei Yi’s heart warmed, and he replied jokingly, “En, that’s right. If you had abducted me two years earlier, my family wouldn’t have agreed.”

Bo Yueming smiled.

He could see how much Zong Baiyan and Xu Rong loved Pei Yi, and feared he would have to undergo another wave of tests in the future.

Pei Yi gazed at Bo Yueming’s features. Even though they had been together for five or six years, the more he looked at them, the more excited he became. For a moment, he became “lustful,” and moved closer to kiss Bo Yueming’s forehead and the tip of his nose—

[BL] After Playing the Fool and Marrying the Blind Villain [Transmigration] | ✓Where stories live. Discover now