Chapter 81

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In the hotel room, Pei Yi finished talking on the phone with Bo Yueming, Xiang Nansheng, and the others before turning around and telling Li Yuan, "Pear Garden, our presentation for the competition will continue as usual in the afternoon."

"As usual?"

Li Yuan believed in his own game and in the judgment of his friend. The only thing he didn't believe in was Ke Ming the thief calling them thieves.

"Pei Yi, Ke Ming did it on purpose. The setting of "Destroy the Alien Beasts" is more and more similar to ours, and they seized the advantage of the morning session. Our Last Fog presentation comes in the afternoon, and I'm afraid we'll be beaten by him."

Li Yuan had initially thought that after this period of experience, he had become mature, stable, and strong, but he didn't understand until he met the person who had mocked and humiliated him in the past-

He still couldn't bear to lose again, especially in this hard-won career.

Pei Yi saw his friend's currently tense nerves and pushed him to sit down on the sofa, taking the initiative to hand over the cigarettes on the table.

"Pear Garden, smoke one? Then listen to me."


They were staying on a smoking floor, and it was a room near the window, so smoking a cigarette and a half now and then wouldn't matter.

Li Yuan looked at the cigarettes stuffed into his hand and shook his head. "No."

Firstly, he didn't want to make his friend feel uncomfortable, and secondly, he remembered the goal of quitting smoking that he made before the New Year.

He poured himself half a glass of cold mineral water. "I'm fine, just tell me what you think."

Pei Yi sat down opposite him and said, "Pear Garden, you've already read the description of the setting of "Destroy the Alien Beasts," and it is the core operation of our "The Last Mist." So let me ask you-"

"Who is better and who is worse regarding the background of the two games? Who is stronger and who is weaker in character settings? Who wins and who loses in the game's NPC portrayal?"

Li Yuan took it for granted and voted, "Of course it's our Last Fog!"

It wasn't that he was speaking through a filter, but that their game was better.

Regarding the backgrounds of the games, there had been a winner between the two sides since the bidding in the capital. Pei Yi, as the architect of The Last Fog, had created a more magnificent and enormous world view.

On the other hand, the cobbled together "Destroy the Alien Beasts" still contained a shadow of many foreign sci-fi movies.

In terms of game character settings, there were four human characters and a "mutant wolf" in "Destroy the Alien Beasts," while The Last Fog had six human characters and a "human zombie."

It seemed that the former had copied them, but in terms of preparation time and related attributes, The Last Fog was definitely more detailed, richer, and team-oriented.

As for the final portrayal of the NPCs, beauty was in the eye of the beholder.

Pei Yi said from his own structural point of view, "In my opinion, Ke Ming forcefully increased the game characters of Destroy the Alien Beasts from one to five, which is actually superfluous."

He wanted too many, and destroyed the uniqueness of the game.

"Pear Garden, do you remember their initial setting?"

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