Chapter 60

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Less than ten minutes after the WeChat message was sent, Bo Yueming and Yan Cen appeared at the door of the bar.

Pei Yi couldn't help but stare-

The indoor environment of the bar was very dim, and the downlights all around shone on Bo Yueming's features, presenting a kind of cold and inviolable aesthetic.

It was like they had an innate connection.

Bo Yueming had never set foot in this bar before, but he located Pei Yi at first glance. His eys were deep and calm, with an attraction that only belonged to him.

Pei Yi noticed that his heartbeat was out of control, and he inexplicably wanted to crash into the other's arms.

Only a few steps away, Bo Yueming and Yan Cen approached with long strides.

Yan Cen's eyes were fixed on Li Yuan's figure, and his worry was beyond words. "How much did he drink?"

"Less than a bottle and a half of Wei Sparrow," Pei Yi replied truthfully, raising his eyes toward Bo Yueming.

Their silent gazes met.

Pei Yi seemed to clarify and ask for credit, "I didn't drink a sip! Not a drop."

Bo Yueming's lips curved up. "En, you were very well-behaved tonight."


Who wants you to praise me for being well-behaved?

I can tell the difference between what's important and what isn't!

Pei Yi thought this to himself and pretended to calmly change the subject, "Let's get out of here first, shall we? So we don't attract the attention of others."

Bo Yueming and Yan Cen were the two representatives of good looks in the original text. One was usually enough to attract attention, but now that there were two, it would inevitably attract even more if they stayed for a long time.

Yan Cen nodded. "En, my car is parked outside."

Pei Yi tried to wake this person up. "Yuan?"

The drunk Li Yuan snorted, closing his eyes and leaning back in the booth. He felt dizzy, and his stomach burned uncomfortably.

"Don't try to call for him, I'll carry him out," Yan Cen volunteered. "Pull him up for me."

His first thought was to directly carry him in his arms, but this was a public place, after all. He was afraid that Li Yuan would try to save face and refuse to cooperate while half asleep.

Pei Yi didn't want to waste time here, so he stepped forward to assist.

Li Yuan, who was drunk and dizzy, felt his body suddenly soar into the air, and in the blink of an eye, he landed on a broad back. The familiar fragrance of tea leaves met his nose, a splitting ray of clarity in the chaotic drunkenness.


Li Yuan felt an inexplicable sourness in his heart and couldn't help but clench his hands to hold on tightly, regardless if this was an illusion or reality.


The low sob hit his ears, ineffably burning Yan Cen's heart. He tilted his head and whispered softly, "Don't cry."

The group of four left the bar, and a car stopped at the main entrance.

Bo Yueming suggested, "Pei Yi and Mr. Li should sit in the back."

Yan Cen placed Li Yuan in the back seat. "Yueming, you take co-pilot. I'll drive."

"All right."

The sound of the closing door awakened Li Yuan for a moment of sobriety. He struggled to confirm his surroundings, and then tried to get out of the car.

[BL] After Playing the Fool and Marrying the Blind Villain [Transmigration] | ✓Where stories live. Discover now