Chapter 28

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Facing Shu Wan's long speech, Shu Youcheng immediately sent Chen Yuyin a dark look.

The latter received this gaze cast by her own son and quickly donned an extremely aggrieved expression. "A-Wan, ah, look at what you're saying, it's all this mother and son's fault?"

"We've only lived here two or three days, how much of your food have we eaten? How much did it cost? And you just scold us like this in front of outsiders? Besides, Youcheng is here to do something big, and if he makes money in the future, you as a dear aunt will also enjoy the blessings!"

Shu Wan saw everything clearly. "Sister-in-law, if you really enjoy blessings, would you share them with me?"

"You, you......"

Chen Yuyin got stuck.

Shu Youcheng glanced at the friends who were gradually waking up on the sofa. Fearing that what he boasted about last night would be exposed, he suppressed his impatience and hurriedly approached to say, "Auntie, you have to help us out for my dad's sake, right?"

"I heard that you used to go out to study and work, and my dad was the only one in the whole family who turned to you and secretly gave you money!"

When she heard this last sentence, the speechless Chen Yuyin seemed to have found something, and her voice suddenly became louder, "That's right!"

"Your brother took out all my dowry back then so that you could study! When I gave birth, I didn't even have the money to eat an old hen!"

"For the only lifeblood of your old Shu family, I have walked through the gates of hell! My hands shake, ah, so much that I can't even hold the chopsticks steadily......"

The more Chen Yuyin talked, the more excited she became, and she made up all kinds of nonsense.

Shu Youcheng looked at his still-chattering mother and his hungover head throbbed at her sharp voice, but due to the current situation, he had to endure it silently.

Pei Yi was irritated by these arguments the most, and unnoticeably retreated half a step as if to stay away from the noise pollution.

He glanced at Bo Yueming, who was also frowning beside him, and suddenly regretted inviting him over today-

The son of a wealthy family with a noble background, how could he listen to these small household affairs?

What's more, Bo Yueming's eyesight was not good, and most of the time he had to rely on his ears to distinguish directions and movement. This current noisy environment would be really difficult for him to bear.

Since it's noisy, don't listen to it.

Pei Yi raised his head and approached Bo Yueming, then directly covered the other's ears with his hands. "Er-ge."

Slightly cool palms were pressed against his ears, accompanied by this soft and delicate Er-ge. Bo Yueming felt that the noise was effectively isolated, and the world seemed to clear up all of a sudden.

He was startled, and touched the backs of Pei Yi's delicate hands. "En?"

Pei Yi glanced at Chu Yuyin, who was still talking nonsense, and deliberately exaggerated in order to fight fire with fire. "Don't listen, don't listen, the tortoise is chanting sutras!"[1]

Chen Yuyin's complaints stopped abruptly, and she looked at the loudly-yelling Pei Yi in astonishment.



Was this a different way of scolding her?

Bo Yueming couldn't see the expressions of other people, and was only aware that the irritability in his heart was washed away by the sound of this cute viewpoint.

[BL] After Playing the Fool and Marrying the Blind Villain [Transmigration] | ✓Where stories live. Discover now