Chapter 102

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When Pei Yi woke up, Bo Yueming was still sleeping.

His lover drank a lot of wine the night before, and the two had held each other and talked until midnight. It was rare that he was still asleep at this time.

Pei Yi stared at Bo Yueming's profile, slowly regaining his senses after sleeping, and gave him a soft good morning kiss on the corner of his mouth before quietly going to the bathroom to wash up.


"Shh, be good."

Pei Yi gingerly opened the door of the master bedroom, and Inspector, who rarely slept in, followed him out.

In the dining room on the first floor, Uncle Kai had prepared an exquisite breakfast as usual.

Lin Zhong, who was eating, saw Pei Yi and greeted him at once. "Little Sir, you're up? Where is Mr. Bo?"

Pei Yi sat in his usual seat and said, "Still sleeping. Does he have any work arrangements today?"

Lin Zhong recalled Bo Yueming's work schedule and shook his head. "Not much. Mr. Bo told me privately that if the Third Young Lady can handle matters, there is no need to send them to him."

Pei Yi understood Bo Yueming's good intentions behind these words and said straightforwardly, "Please help me push off all his work today so that he can have a good rest."

Uncle Kai brought out the fried steak and asked worriedly, "Sir, did the Second Young Master encounter any difficulties? I saw that there was something wrong with him when you came back last night."

And when he was cleaning upstairs this morning, he found wine bottles in the living room.

Uncle Kai didn't know much about wine, but he recognized the brand of the empty bottle. It had always been Bo Yueming's favorite to get drunk on when he was troubled or worried.

Pei Yi took a sip of warm water and said, "His biological mother showed up."


Uncle Kai and Lin Zhong were both shocked.

As Bo Yueming's most trusted housekeeper and subordinate, the two of them had long been like family members. They would not spread this matter casually, and were more worried about Bo Yueming's feelings.

Lin Zhong said haltingly, "W-what?"

Uncle Kai was also tense. "The Second Young Master's mother is still alive? Then what does she want, coming to China to find the Second Young Master at this time? Is the Old Madam aware?"

Pei Yi had no appetite, so he just stroked Inspector on his knees. "Grandma probably doesn't know yet. I'm also curious about why she came to China....."

He paused, his eyes unconsciously shifting toward the master bedroom on the second floor. "Lin Zhong, I have something I want to ask you to do."

Lin Zhong was moved. "Little Sir, I understand."

Pei Yi nodded slightly, and after a few simple explanations, he changed the topic to daily matters. "Uncle Kai, did you make porridge today?"

Uncle Kai nodded. "Yes, I thought the two of you might have drank wine last night, so I got up to specially prepare some."

Hearing this, Pei Yi said, "Then let's have porridge and side dishes as well as this steak. I'll take it up to eat with Er-ge in a while."

"Yes, Little Sir."

. . . . . . . .

Ten minutes later.

Pei Yi returned to the living room on the second floor with a full plate.

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