Chapter 106

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Although the Bo family was regarded as one of the top wealthy families in the capital, Bo Yueming and Pei Yi did not spend extravagantly on their wedding arrangements. Instead, they tried to keep the decorations as simple as possible.

The reason for this was very simple. They two of them were used to keeping a low profile-

Marriage was a ceremony for themselves, not a "publicity stunt," and they didn't want other guests to regard their wedding as an occasion to flatter them.

The most important thing was that after discussing it with Old Mrs. Bo, they planned to donate all the money saved from the wedding and red envelope gifts to orphanage charities.

Old Mrs. Bo was getting on in years, and her heart had softened. As soon as she heard that the two juniors had such kind intentions, she naturally acquiesced to them.

The wedding was arranged on the open lawn of Bo Manor, and pure white and natural green became the main colors of the occasion.

When Li Yuan arrived at the wedding venue with his person, he took a quick look at Pei Yi, the star of the wedding.

Their eyes met.

Pei Yi immediately came up to him. "Pear Garden, you're here. Where's Yan Cen?"

Li Yuan motioned with his eyes, "He took a work call when I got out of the car. I couldn't wait for him, so I came in first."

Having said that, he took a glass of champagne from a passing waiter's tray to celebrate. "Congratulations, ah. Happy wedding."

Pei Yi smiled and accepted his blessing. "Thank you."

Their wine glasses clinked.

Pei Yi had only taken half a sip when he caught sight of a familiar figure in his peripheral vision, and notified his friend who had his back turned.

"Pear Garden, look who's coming."

When Li Yuan heard this, he turned around to see-

Four or five meters away from them, Gu Jianshen, who they hadn't seen in a long time, was signing in outside the venue under the guidance of an attendant.

The two exchanged glances and walked up together in tacit agreement.

Pei Yi was the first to speak out. "Brother Gu, welcome. I didn't think you were coming."

When Gu Jianshen saw his friend, he smiled and said, "You invited me to your wedding, how could I not come? Congratulations."

"Thank you."

Pei Yi raised his glass and asked unambiguously, "Now that you've come to the capital this time, do you intend to stay or leave?"

Gu Jianshen got his meaning and joked, "On an occasion like today, you still can't forget to offer an olive branch and poach someone?"

Pei Yi smiled back. "Brother Gu, who made it so difficult to poach you?"

Hadn't it been more than four months, and the other party still had no intention of resigning from Weiyi?

Gu Jianshen made eye contact with Li Yuan beside him, and discussed the agreed upon plan, "Actually, Mr. Li and I talked about it, and in another two months, I will hand over the project to Weiyi before New Year's Day."

"After this year's Spring Festival, I'll come to the studio at the beginning of next spring. Am I welcome?"

"Of course you're welcome!"

Pei Yi looked at Li Yuan in surprise. "When did you two reach an agreement? Why didn't I know about it?"

Li Yuan explained, "As for what happened last week, weren't you busy with pre-wedding preparations? It's just as well that I waited until today to tell you."

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