Chapter 97

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When Bo Yueming returned to the bedroom after answering the phone, Pei Yi was sending the revised details of the script to the work group.

He picked up a water glass and tried to take a drink, only to realize that he had reached the bottom of the glass.

While his thoughts were frozen, Bo Yueming went ahead and took it. "Wait, I'll pour it for you."

Pei Yi gave up the empty glass without hesitation and said with a smile, "Er-ge, Qiao Dong has been talking to me these days and says he's about to lose his job."

Since Bo Yueming came to Haishi, he had practically taken over Qiao Dong's daily tasks as an assistant.

From the scheduled morning wakeup call to three meals a day, from travel arrangements to the current water refill, every detail was taken care of. He was simply an all-around lover.

Bo Yueming handed the warm water back and said, "Isn't me taking care of you a good thing?"

"Yes, ah."

Pei Yi drank half a glass of water and joked, "You, the chairman of Bo Group, are too capable. I'm afraid I can't afford your daily salary."

"For you, it's free."

Bo Yueming took the remaining half glass of water from his hand and drank some unhesitatingly.

Pei Yi mentally calculated the time the other party had stayed in Haishi, and asked uncertainly, "Er-ge, is it really not busy at the group? Don't delay your business for me."

"It's busy."

Bo Yueming said honestly, "Kitten, I actually just received a call from Bo Jiao. The foreign partners will arrive in the capital the day after tomorrow for a personal inspection. I have to go back."


Pei Yi was stunned. He didn't expect that his words would come true.

However, facing the outcome he had already prepared for, he quickly recovered his senses and said, "Okay, have you booked the flight ticket?"

Bo Group currently relied on Bo Yueming for support. It was already good that the other party could extend his stay with him from the original four or five days to half a month.

Bo Yueming added, "The other party's flight will arrive in the morning the day after tomorrow, so I'll take a flight back tomorrow night."

He had originally planned to tell Pei Yi and then book the flight ticket.

"Book it for one or two in the afternoon so that you can still get dinner after returning to the capital." Pei Yi advanced the time for Bo Yueming, something unclear and inexplicably sweet in his eyes. "Don't compress your time for me. You need to take a break."

Although the later flight would give them a few more hours together, it would be difficult for Bo Yueming to get enough sleep.

There was a smile in Bo Yueming's eyes. "You really want me to leave tomorrow afternoon?"

Pei Yi suppressed his reluctance and tried to be brave. "Of course, it's not like I won't go back."

Although the movie game's launch time had been delayed a bit, if the filming could be completed by August, he could still return to the capital then.

Bo Yueming heard Pei Yi's promise and said in a low voice, "Okay, let me call Lin Zhong to book a flight."

"En, I'm going to take a shower first." Pei Yi's eyes flickered, and he added, "Open a bottle of wine?"

After his lover returned to the capital, he would have to curb his addiction to wine again.

Bo Yueming doted on him as always. "Okay."

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