Chapter 89

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In late May in the Imperial Capital, the temperature finally showed signs of rising again.

The breeze that came when the windows were open at night was comfortable, and no longer chilly.

Pei Yi carefully inspected the electronic contract sent by Gu Jianshen and forwarded it to his friend.

"Pear Garden, please confirm the details again. If there's no problem, the signing process can be sped up."

Li Yuan on the other side of the screen made an "ok" gesture, and asked proactively, "Have you talked to your family member?"

Pei Yi's eyes flickered. "Not yet. I'm planning on talking to him tonight."

Li Yuan seemed to understand his friend's hesitation, and asked, "How about when the time comes, I go over and keep an eye out for you?"

Pei Yi raised his lips and teased, "Come on, I don't want Mr. Yan to cause trouble for me. How could he let you go?"

Li Yuan sent a string of ellipses, likely shy.

Pei Yi glanced at the time in the lower right corner. "It's best to leave this matter to me. Don't worry about it, we'll talk when we meet at the studio tomorrow. I'll log off first."

As soon as this line of text was sent, there was a knock on the room door.

Pei Yi moved his eyes away and said, "Come in."

Bo Yueming pushed the door open and walked in, followed by the increasingly plump Inspector. "Are you finished?"

Since Pei Yi had moved into the master bedroom, the previous small room had become his dedicated home workplace.

Pei Yi noticed that Bo Yueming had already washed up and put on his house clothes. He stood up and moved around a bit before inviting, "Er-ge, want a drink? We can go to the rooftop upstairs."

Bo Yueming had this intention, and went along with his thoughts. "Okay, what kind of wine do you want tonight?"

Pei Yi drew close and held his hand. "You help me pick something out."


. . . . . . .

Five minutes later, the rooftop door opened.

Some time ago, according to his own wishes, Bo Yueming had asked Uncle Kai to help rearrange this corner that had been neglected for many years-

The rooftop now had fully automated retractable glass windows, and there was a tent and oversized cushions on the ground for overnight stays.

Pei Yi reclined on the super spacious cushioned sofa and looked up at the night. There was still a little bit of light left.

He took a deep breath and said, "Er-ge, everything is perfect, only there aren't many visible stars. Yanshan Mountain was better."

Bo Yueming coaxed him patiently, "Wait a little longer. The weather will be hot next month, and we should be able to see more stars. Or, I can take you to Yanshan Mountain after a while?"

Pei Yi chuckled, feeling a bit of yearning.

Bo Yueming handed over the opened bottle. "The wine I chose today is a bit strong, so you can only drink a glass at most."

Pei Yi looked at the small-capacity goblet and emphasized, "I haven't started drinking yet and you're looking after me? My drinking ability has improved now."

Bo Yueming calmly sat down next to him, and took the initiative to chase after and touch the wine glass in his hand. "This is enough. I'm afraid you'll get a headache if you drink too much."

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