Chapter 91

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In the office lobby of the 18th floor, Gao Pingfeng's assistant's expression changed accordingly.

"Teacher Gao, doesn't the person in charge of YWY Studios look too young?" The assistant murmured in confusion, "Our Weiyi is a major game company. Why must we hand off the game script to another studio, ah?"

The smile on Gao Pingfeng's lips vanished and he said calmly, "What do you know? He's the boss of YWY. He became well-known with 'The Last Fog" some time ago, and has a backer behind him."

As he spoke, he glanced at the lobby monitor and said, "I'm going to the corridor to smoke."

The assistant was accustomed to paying attention to people's words and following every step. "Teacher Gao, why are you pointing out that he has a backer?"

The two of them approached the security access corridor, and Gao Pingfeng's tone became more relaxed. "I'm not pointing out anything. Didn't you see the news about Pei Yi's 'financier' not long ago?"

Even if public opinion subsequently reversed and all the pressure was pushed onto Chanming Studios, netizens attacked Nanchan Games and other producers, including boss Ke Ming, but almost everyone ignored one thing-

The matter of Pei Yi and the 'financier behind the scenes' seemed to have disappeared from the internet, and had not been investigated in depth.

Who would believe that no one was behind this, ah?

The assistant was clever, and understood at once. "Teacher Gao, this Pei Yi looks so clean, but he's actually......"


Gao Pingfeng let out a tsk, and deliberately kept the topic half hidden and half revealed.

The assistant thought about it, and the more he thought, the stranger his expression became.

He glanced at Gao Pingfeng's calm appearance, and both flattered and spoke from the heart, "Teacher Gao, I feel sorry for you. How long have you been in this business? And how long has it been for him?"

"Even though the momentum of 'The Last Fog' was good some time ago, and the 'Traces' sold to the subsidiary was also excellent, doesn't Pei Yi have a financial backer? Maybe he hired a ghost writer to write for him behind the scenes!"

"How good is the game script you wrote some time ago? Why did the company's senior management choose to partner with him, an outsider, rather than allow us to achieve results and benefits for ourselves?"

The assistant's flattering words hit a painful spot deep in Gao Pingfeng's heart.

As the chief planner of "Seventeen Days," Gao Pingfeng had worked fifteen years to reach his current position. Only he knew how upset and frustrated he was.

Because "Seventeen Days" under his hands had become one of Weiyi's leading projects, he could be called "Teacher Gao" and "General Manager Gao" by other employees when he walked into headquarters-

Gao Pingfeng thought that he had finally made it, and felt proud.

He had originally thought that if Weiyi wanted to expand into the new area of "movie games," it would give priority to its own employees no matter what!

After all, rich water shouldn't flow into other people's fields, right?

With this idea in mind, Gao Pingfeng handed over the game script he had designed and confidently awaited for a high-level appointment.

In the end, he waited all the while, only to get this result-

Assist Pei Yi? If this spread, who would be taking advantage of whose fame!

[BL] After Playing the Fool and Marrying the Blind Villain [Transmigration] | ✓Where stories live. Discover now