Extra 7

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At the Imperial Capital private horse riding stable.

Pei Yi was sitting on his pony in uniform, but his eyes kept shooting toward the entrance outside the racecourse.

Zong Baiyan, who was standing by to accompany him, saw through his child’s small thoughts and couldn’t help but remind him, “Xiao Yi, concentrate on riding and sit up properly.”

Pei Yi automatically straightened his back and tightened his grip on the reins. “Father Yan, why hasn’t Er-ge come yet?”

They originally had staggered riding times, but after becoming “friends,” and with Pei Yi’s persuasion, Bo Yueming finally agreed to change his time to every Saturday.

Now, Pei Yi had been training for half an hour without seeing Bo Yueming, and was impatient.

Bo Yueming replied, “Maybe he had something to do and couldn’t come. You finish this lap independently first. If you perform well, Father Yan will call later and ask.”

Hearing this promise, Pei Yi immediately nodded in agreement.

He rode his pony at a trot. Before Zong Baiyan could fulfill his promise, Bo Yueming arrived belatedly and ran into the racecourse on his own black horse, Adrien.


Pei Yi was happy at once.

Bo Yueming approached and greeted Zong Baiyan politely. “Hello, Uncle Yan.”

Zong Baiyan nodded, and before he could respond, Pei Yi quickly made his presence known. “Er-ge, why are you here so late, ah? I’ve ridden several times.”

Bo Yueming replied, “There was trading simulation training at one o’clock this afternoon. I came over right after.”

Pei Yi nodded in understanding. “Oh.”

Bo Yueming didn’t waste any time. “I’ll take Adrien to warm up first.”

Pei Yi immediately raised his hand and said, “Me too, me too. I can ride and trot.”

Zong Baiyan was anxious. “Xiao Yi, you can’t match Yueming’s speed. Don’t make trouble.”


When Pei Yi heard this denial, a hint of unhappiness flashed across his face.

Bo Yueming noticed this at once and only said, “It’s fine. I’ll ride slower and see how his training is progressing as we go.”

Having said this, he turned the horse’s head and began to canter around the field.

Pei Yi could tell that Bo Yueming was intentionally waiting for him, and his eyes became more and more pleading. “Father Yan.”

Ever since he was injured while secretly riding horseback before, he didn’t dare to go beyond the instructions of Zong Baiyan and Coach Gao.

Seeing Bo Yueming’s slowed down riding speed, Zong Baiyan also wanted to cultivate Pei Yi’s ability and confidence, so he nodded after some hesitation.

“Go ahead, ba. But you can’t speed up rashly, got it?”


Pei Yi received Zong Baiyan’s consent and responded at an appropriate volume, then rode after Bo Yueming.

The two of them, one big and one small, rode around the big circle of the racecourse three times, and then saw Zong Baiyan leading his beloved horse out.

Pei Yi got off his pony with Zong Baiyan’s help, and then heard the latter actively ask, “Xiao Yi, do you want me to take you riding on this horse?”

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