Chapter 5

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Pei Yi took a silent breath, trying not to let his eyes wander-

Presently, Bo Yueming had fallen and was sitting on the bathroom floor. With the heat and luster of the water, his figure was really too good for words.

Sensing that someone had entered at will, the pain on Bo Yueming's face immediately vanished. He determined the direction, picked up a bathrobe, and put it on quickly. When he fumbled about and stood with difficulty, there was a heavy look in his dark blue eyes.

"Pei Yi, did I allow you to come in?!"

In this house, no servant dared to enter his room at will. Even a senior housekeeper like Uncle Kai had to get his consent.

Who else would dare to barge in so recklessly now, other than the recently-arrived Pei Yi?


Pei Yi saw Bo Yueming's restrained anger, so he could only follow the original owner's words and train of thought, explaining slowly, "I, I heard a sound. Door was open."

"You can come in if the door is open? Did you forget what I told you?"

His tone of voice was choked, and Bo Yueming felt more powerless in his anger.

He knew that Pei Yi's intrusion was probably not out of malice, but the two incidents of falling shamefully and being looked at by others deeply stimulated his pride and self-esteem.

Ever since his eyes were injured in the car accident, no matter how hard Bo Yueming tried to maintain a normal life, things unfortunately didn't turn out the way he wanted. He always fell short on the little things.

Just like now. Because he couldn't see the water puddle on the floor, it was easy to fall down when he stepped through the shower door.

During the day, he had to save face in front of everyone and endure the darkness. Only when he was alone at night could he vent his anger and unwillingness in the bedroom.

The reason why the bedroom and bathroom doors were not locked was that he feared he would encounter an accident that he couldn't handle himself, and Uncle Kai, the only one he trusted, could conveniently enter the room to help deal with it.

When he fell down just now, Bo Yueming wanted to endure the pain and not bother Uncle Kai, but unexpectedly, the ignorant Pei Yi was recruited instead.

"Get out." Bo Yueming took a deep breath and emphasized in a cold voice, "Get out of my room immediately!"


If it was the original owner, he would probably run away in fright. But Pei Yi, whose mind was like a mirror,[1] was not afraid at all.

Having read the original novel, he knew that Bo Yueming's anger floating on the surface now was in fact more disappointment in his inability to control the small things.

Once a proud son of heaven, he became a "blind man" in the eyes of others. Even if his eyesight could be restored at a later stage, the accumulated pain and weakness early on was enough to hone his mentality.

Pei Yi stared at Bo Yueming's handsome mixed-race face and came to a decision without hesitation. "Won't go. You, you're bleeding, have to deal with it."

In any case, if he occasionally cared for and sent warmth to his "marriage partner," maybe it could slow down the speed of this "big villain's" blackening, and also make his own situation in this family easier.

Pei Yi was purposely slow, but said precisely, "I'll help you."

Bo Yueming didn't expect the "foolish" Pei Yi to say these words. He slowed down and located the source of the pain.

[BL] After Playing the Fool and Marrying the Blind Villain [Transmigration] | ✓Where stories live. Discover now