Chapter 32

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In the blink of an eye, it was Friday.

The elevator doors opened and Bo Yueming walked out in formal attire, holding a walking cane in his hand. Pei Yi followed him out obediently.

With assistant Lin Zhong as a guide, the two slowly walked to the main entrance of the G.M. company floor.

The new receptionist was surprised when she saw Bo Yueming's "blind man" accessories, and didn't realize Bo Yueming's identity for a moment.

Then Yan Cen's assistant hurried out and said respectfully, "Boss Bo."

Her eyes fell on the familiar assistant Lin Zhong, and then on the face of the completely unfamiliar Pei Yi-

The person before her had a cute and innocent face, and the casual clothes on his frame were designed by famous niche brands. He didn't look like a person capable of blending into the workplace.

A little taken aback, the assistant subconsciously asked Lin Zhong, who had the same status, "Assistant Lin, who is this?"

As soon as she spoke, Bo Yueming took the initiative to say, "He is member."

The term "family member" was very special.

Not only the two assistants, but even Pei Yi himself was surprised for a moment. But when he thought about it, this term was indeed more appropriate than "marriage partner," "companion," and so on.

Pei Yi seemed to want to prove his identity, so he called out in a well-behaved manner, "Er-ge."

The assistant had a good sense of propriety. Although she was bewildered, she didn't ask any more questions.

Bo Yueming changed the subject. "Where is Yan Cen? Is he here?"

The assistant replied, "I just called to inquire. Boss Yan is already in the underground parking lot, and will be here soon."

Speak of the devil and he will arrive.

The elevator doors opened again, and Yan Cen took the lead to step through them. In addition, there were two other people in the elevator-

They were Li Yuan, who had come to participate in the competition, and an unfamiliar woman with short hair.

Pei Yi stared slightly, secretly observing everything.

Yan Cen had not changed much since the previous two meetings. Superior and refined, he wore the familiar gold-rimmed glasses on his face, but compared to the previous two occasions, with his "working status" today, he had the extra calm aura of a boss.

Li Yuan, who was standing diagonally behind, had donned a new blue suit with a gray pattern for today's official selection. He also seemed to have taken extra care of his hairstyle, and the wolf tail was cut a bit shorter, the little fluff on the upper part curling.

With his deliberately indifferent expression, there was a faint sense of lovely contrast.

As for the short-haired woman next to Li Yuan, she was dressed even more simply, with a plain white T-shirt and jeans and a black bag over one shoulder.

It looked as if she had followed the wrong person and strayed into this area, but she was calm and without stage fright.

Pei Yi stared at her for a moment, and then his lips curved indistinctly.

"Hello, Boss Yan."

Yan Cen's assistant was the first to react, and at the same time recognized Li Yuan from the competition materials. "And Mr. Li, did you come here together?"

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