Chapter 76

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No matter how cunning a criminal was, he could not escape the punishment of the law. Li Gui finally confessed to his actions and exposed Bo Guancheng, the mastermind behind the scenes.

Not only that, but the truck driver involved in the accident also admitted that he had received a huge sum of money, and even the call recording of the transaction at that time was dug out.

In the end, Bo Guancheng went from being the young master of the Bo family, who was envied by everyone and one of the possible successors to the family, to a prisoner whom everyone laughed at and ridiculed.

A person who was never content was like a snake trying to swallow an elephant.

The wrong things he had done, he still had to bear them himself in the end.

The only surprising thing was that Bo Guancheng did not sue Bo Yueming for intentionally hurting him-

Did he discover a conscience? Or did he just give up struggling?

No one knew the answer deep in his heart. They only knew that when the police came to the door, he did not struggle hysterically or resist with all his might, and only followed along with the course of events.

As for further trial and conviction, that would have to wait until the next year.

New Year's Day and the Spring Festival were very close, less than a month away.

The Last Fog that had been launched recently had already stabilized with a certain amount of players, and still had a slight upward trend each day.

The overall development was within Pei Yi's expectations, and it also gave YWY time to prepare for the launch of the mobile game, The Last Fog 2.0.

As the new year approached, Pei Yi and Li Yuan led the studio team to move into a brand new location. For the sake of The Last Fog's good development, the two of them took advantage of the official holiday-

They discussed between themselves and sent extra red envelopes to the employees, which immediately drew them the praise of being "good bosses" for a while.

However, even if the game studio was on holiday for the Chinese New Year, someone had to hold fast.

Fortunately, Xiang Nansheng was an Imperial Capital native, and his home was very close to the location of the new studio, so he took the initiative to assume the responsibility of staying on duty.

In addition to the rightful double bonus that would be given to someone who was on duty during the New Year, Pei Yi and Li Yuan also promised that if anything happened, they would be on call as the core leaders.

The group of people joyfully went on holiday.

Pei Yi looked at the office hall that had vacated in an instant, smiled helplessly, and walked toward his friend's office. "Li Yuan, are you busy?"

"Not busy, GM sent an email. Tomorrow afternoon, their company is holding a year-end meeting. As one of their investment projects, we need to send someone over."

This sort of thing naturally fell on Li Yuan, the Operations Director, and he was presently sorting out the materials and reports needed for the meeting.

"Thanks for your hard work." Pei Yi asked sincerely, "Are you free tomorrow night?"

"Yes, I'll be free after the morning meeting." Li Yuan nodded. "What's up?"

Pei Yi tilted his head and extended an invitation, "Come to my house for the New Year?"

Li Yuan was taken aback. "The Bo family?"

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