Chapter 54

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In a dark, damp rental house.

The unkempt Lin Na huddled on a cold, hard wooden bed. Her hands and feet were still bound, and there was a piece of cloth tape over her mouth so that she could only make muffled sounds.

She gazed at the small skylight that was her only source of illumination, her eyes full of despair.

Since she was exposed the night before, she had first lay paralyzed on the hotel carpet for several hours under Lin Zhong's guard. Then the other party and the old driver took her to this ghastly place through the hotel's back door in the dead of night.

At noon yesterday, the driver also asked a strange woman to bring her lunch.

But as soon as the tape over her mouth was removed, Lin Na quickly screamed for help, and within ten seconds, her mouth was sealed again.

Almost another day had passed.

At this moment, Lin Na hadn't had a drop of water, she was hungry, and she wanted to sleep but didn't dare to. Her fragile nerves were tense to the breaking point, and she was afraid that if she stayed like this any longer she might either go crazy or die!

Lin Na wearily closed her eyes, in a trance. The regrets of this day and night were about to swallow her completely-

She shouldn't have been greedy for this money!

At least when she saw that the target of this business was Bo Yueming, she should have directly rejected it!

How could such a small person like her get involved in the struggles between the rich and powerful? She must have been possessed!

Lin Na's intestines were about to turn green with regret. Her sore eyes misted over once more, but her sealed mouth couldn't utter a single word.

Suddenly, there was the sound of footsteps outside the door.

Lin Na was like a drowning person who caught a rotten log floating in the sea. A strong sense of hope suddenly burst into her eyes, and she stared at the closed door without blinking.

At last, there was the sound of the door being unlocked and opened.

The light outside the door rushed in to illuminate this dark, dank room.

Lin Na squinted her eyes to adapt to the strong light, and when she saw the person at the door clearly, the burning hope in her heart was instantly extinguished, and she was even wrapped in a strong chill again.

"Mm! Mmmm!"

Lin Na violently twisted her bound hands and feet, and seeing that she was unable to struggle, she could only shrink back to the corner of the bed as much as possible. If possible, she would like to have a hole to drill straight down into!


Inspector, neatly huddled in its cat bag, poked its head out and looked around curiously.

When Lin Na saw this familiar little black cat, a species she had always feared, the panic in her eyes became more apparent.

Pei Yi looked at Lin Na curled up on the bed-

The dark bags under her eyes were obvious, and it could be seen that she hadn't slept well in the past two days. Tears had washed away the liquid foundation on her face, leaving behind trails of tear marks.

She looked unkempt and particularly disgraceful.

As the only person present who had seen Lin Na at the convalescent resort, Pei Yi remembered her harassment of Bo Yueming, and disgust appeared in his eyes.

[BL] After Playing the Fool and Marrying the Blind Villain [Transmigration] | ✓Where stories live. Discover now