Chapter 105

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Lifelong partner?

When Pei Yi heard this speech that was different from a conventional proposal, ripples appeared in his heart and then spread all over his body at lightning speed.

The stinging in his eyes condensed into a thin layer of mist.

Pei Yi lowered his head to hide in embarrassment, but when he saw Bo Yueming still kneeling in front of him on one knee, he gave his answer practically without hesitation-

"If you're not qualified, then no one in this world is qualified."

"Bo Yueming." Pei Yi solemnly called out his lover's name and reached out his hand. "I love you."

The heartstrings that had been tense all day finally relaxed the moment the ring was put on. Bo Yueming lowered his head and kissed the wedding ring, responding with solemn, focused affection.

"Me too. I love you too."

Pei Yi couldn't bear to let his lover continue to kneel, and quickly pulled him up. "Where's your ring? I'll put it on for you too."

Bo Yueming took another ring out of his pocket and handed it over.

Pei Yi reached out and took it, and said in the same style, "Mr. Bo Yueming, are you willing to be my lifelong partner?"

Bo Yueming had guessed that his lover would ask this question, and said without hesitation, "Of course I'm willing."

Pei Yi put the perfectly sized ring on his lover's ring finger, then ran into his arms and hugged him. "When did you start preparing? I didn't know anything about it."

He felt that he was usually quite clever, but around Bo Yueming, he became a child who was confused about everything.

"If I said that I wanted to do this as early as when we first started dating, would you believe it?"


Pei Yi was stunned for a second or two, and teased, "You wanted to tie me up so early?"

Bo Yueming bit his lipi lightly. "Didn't I tell you earlier 'one day, to one month, to one year, and then to a lifetime?'"

Whether it was Bo Lihong and Cynthia or Cheng Yangshan and Old Mrs. Bo, Bo Yueming was used to seeing betrayal in relationships, so he had decided early on-

In the future, he would either not easily start a relationship, or he would be sure of one person to the end.

Fortunately he got to know Pei Yi, who could always see through his true emotions and soothe his inner uneasiness.

Bo Yueming knew that Pei Yi's fear of sentiment was even worse than his own, so he never forced the other party to keep up with him, and instead slowed his own pace to cooperate with his lover.

Luckily, in the past few months, the relationship between the two had become better and better.

Last time at Old Mrs. Bo's banquet, Bo Yueming witnessed the prejudice and inconvenience caused by his and Pei Yi's "business marriage" status, and his impulse to propose became increasingly strong.

And then that night, Pei Yi had nestled in his arms and told him about his past and his secrets little by little.

Bo Yueming was convinced that the person in his arms was also the person he wanted to grow old with.

Thus, he secretly planned this proposal without telling his lover.

There was not a great number of people, nor was it expensive. There was only his love and determination to do everything himself.

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