Chapter 103

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It was once again time to leave work.

Pei Yi carefully browsed the average statistics for The Last Fog in the two months since it had launched, and contentedly approved.

"Much better than expected. By the way, how is the construction of the next Sky Castle level coming?"

Xiang Nansheng of the technical department replied in a businesslike manner, "We've entered the final testing stage, and we can launch a new round of promotion in October."

Everything was developing step by step, and the studio's prospects were booming.

Pei Yi closed the document and said, "Okay, the internal testing still needs to be properly controlled."

"We have to ensure that there are no flaws in the 'product' once it goes online. We also need to keep up with the prop upgrades."

"Of course."

"All right, it's almost time to leave work. Let's stop here today. Thank you for your hard work."

As far as Pei Yi was concerned, if he could prevent employees from having to work overtime, he would do so.

The group of technical staff headed by Xiang Nansheng filed out, and the single-person office suddenly became more open.


The latest script plan sent by the copywriting team was uploaded to the computer.

Just as Pei Yi clicked to receive it, there was another knock on the office door.

Pei Yi said without raising his head, "Come in."

Li Yuan leaned against the door in the hallway and asked with a smile, "Mr. Li, are you done? Do you have time tonight?"

Pei Yi recognized his friend's voice and looked up. "For what?"

"A university classmate I haven't been in contact with for a long time has opened a new bar, and he asked me to go over and join the fun when I have time."

Li Yuan walked straight in. "I thought about it, and you're the only one who likes drinking around here. How about we go together? It just so happens that we haven't had a good chat since you came back from Haishi."

Hearing this invitation to drink, Pei Yi's interest immediately rose.

He quickly set aside the copywriting review that he had plenty of time for and said, "Okay, ah, can we go after work?"

Li Yuan's lips curved. "Don't you need to report to your man? Will he let you drink?"

Pei Yi thought of Bo Yueming's "punishment" and felt a little guilty, but didn't admit it.

"I'm just drinking with you, why should I report it? Besides, he listens to me at home."

Having said this, he tossed the question back, "Will Yan Cen let you go?"

After these few months of dating, the way Li Yuan talked about Yan Cen was no longer the same as before, and his answer also had a hint of spoiled pride.

"He also can't control me."

Pei Yi raised his eyebrows. "Impressive."

Li Yuan smiled back. "Likewise. I'll go to the office to clean up. See you later."


There were still five or six minutes before the end of work, but as bosses, the two didn't take the lead to leave early.

But the moment Li Yuan disappeared, Pei Yi immediately picked up the cell phone on his desk and obediently typed in his report:

"Er-ge, I won't be home for dinner tonight. I'm going out to eat with Pear Garden, and I'll be home before 10:30. Is this okay?"

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