Chapter 22

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Bo Guancheng came and went, and other than making people feel disgusted, it really didn't have any effect on morale.

Bo Yueming and Assistant Lin Zhong entered the study on the first floor, presumably to discuss work matters. Uncle Kai unpacked the luggage properly and went to the kitchen to supervise the servants preparing dinner.

Pei Yi was by himself with nothing to do, so he brought Inspector back to the room, locked the door, and turned on the computer.

As soon as he logged on to the "Youtu" forum, tens of thousands of notifications popped up. Pei Yi was a little surprised, and immediately checked his background data-

The two game concepts uploaded a week ago had gained 50,000+ popularity. Pei Yi's newly created vest,[1] "Will," had also attracted the attention of thousands of gaming fans.

His personal private messages were filled with large and small game companies, studios, and even individual game bloggers.

"Youtu" was the largest game forum website in China, and the fermented heat was far better than Pei Yi had imagined. Of course, Pei Yi attributed all of this to his own game creation.

The two single-player games he had constructed this time had completely different styles.

The first title was "Cheerful Spirit." It was a decryption game with different national styles and spirits. The content of each dungeon instance was different, and single players must find the answers and exits within a specified amount of time.

In each dungeon, there would be a certain Chinese instrument, and at the specific point in time when the instrument sounded, different spiritual crises would be triggered, which may lead to the failure of breaking through the level.

Of course, as one of the highlights of this game, the background music needed to be written carefully for each time the instruments sounded. Each trilling sound must be engraved into the player's bones and blood, making their hair stand on end when they heard it.

The second one was called "Cloud Realm," which was a therapeutic collection game, more suitable for working people during their commutes. Players only needed to record the clouds in real life, and then use the selected avatar to upload daily.

Different cloud formations and even atmospheric phenomena would correspond to different integrals, and uploading could also get the corresponding cloud painting card, or even a customized chibi version. Of course, player leaderboards were essential.

The current popularity was exciting, and from the data of the two games, the popularity of "Cheerful Spirit" was higher.

However, the imitability of mini-games was too strong, and it would not be easy for such a creative version to receive higher bids the longer it was delayed.

Considering the timing, Pei Yi looked at the parties who were interested in cooperating one by one - finally, two reliable parties with high bids were chosen to sign with online.

Pei Yi sold "Cloud Realm" at full price and sent it to a new small studio, and as for "Cheerful Spirit," he chose a reliable older game company.

Pei Yi and the latter Party A stipulated that he would provide the script for the first ten levels of "Cheerful Spirit," divided into two handovers before and after. Then the other company would process the coding, the menu, and so on, and a signature was required for the copy to go online.

The most important thing for such a mystery-oriented mini-game was content creativity.

The game "Cheerful Spirit" had been successfully tested in the real world. Before Pei Yi transmigrated, there were nearly twenty levels to it, all of which were constructed by Pei Yi.

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