Chapter 26

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Pei Family Manor.

Deng Xiuya looked at the clock on the wall that was gradually approaching eight o'clock, and continued to murmur, "It's already this late, why hasn't Xiao Huan come back yet, ah? According to the time, isn't the celebration banquet already over?"

"No one answered the phone......"

Pei Ruzhang delivered hot brewed tea to Old Father Pei, and frowned at his chattering wife to make her stop. "I say, what are you anxious for? We have just negotiated a large business deal with the Bo family. As one of the people in charge, Xiao Huan must spend time socializing and dealing with it."

Old Father Pei followed up with a nod. "It's time for the child to practice. As a mother, don't worry about it in vain."

Deng Xiuya was embarrassed for a few seconds, then heard Pei Huan's voice from the door, "Mom, is there anything to eat in the kitchen? Just give me whatever."

Pei Huan walked into the house quickly, his expression and pace a bit anxious. "Dad, Grandpa, good evening. You all talk, I'll go upstairs to pack and change my clothes, I have to go out again later."

The sharp-eyed Deng Xiuya immediately noticed the red marks on Pei Huan's clothes, and quickly stopped him. "Wait, what's with the blood stains on your clothes! What happened?"

Upon hearing the phrase "blood stains," Old Father Pei and Pei Ruzhang were both taken aback.

Old Father Pei loved Pei Huan, the intelligent and sensible grandson most, and squinted his eyes with a frown. "Xiao Huan, you're back. Weren't you invited by Young Master Bo to the celebration banquet? How could you get hurt?"

Pei Huan noticed the blood stains on his cuffs, and a trace of disgust flickered in his eyes.

The blood of this beast was dirty to death!

He walked up to Old Father Pei and cut the long story short, "Grandpa, there was a bit of trouble at the banquet. Something happened to the head of the German business project, and the blood accidentally rubbed onto me. I'm fine."

Old Father Pei was slightly relieved, but still was still conscious of something being wrong.

Pei Ruzhang also realized that something was wrong and asked, "Is the person you mentioned Sun Yelong, Chairman Sun? Why was he bleeding? Will it affect his project cooperation with Pei and Bo?"


Pei Huan was worried about this issue.

After all, what happened to Sun Yelong occurred at their celebration banquet. The other party had four or five stitches on his forehead. Even some unspeakable parts seemed to have suffered, and he was still unconscious due to excessive blood loss.

Pei Huan found someone to escort him before he left, but he still wanted to rush back to the hospital later and stabilize the other party as soon as he woke up, lest the project launch truly be implicated.

Thinking that all this trouble was caused by Pei Yi, there was a faint unhappiness in Pei Huan's eyes.

"Grandpa, Dad, let me tell you the truth. Sun Yelong's injury was a bit serious this time, and it was also related to Xiao Yi."

"Pei Yi?"

The Pei couple exchanged glances, never expecting that this matter would be related to Pei Yi.

Old Father Pei immediately frowned and tapped the floor with his cane, deciding without thought, "Why was that disgraceful thing also at the celebration banquet? Did he go crazy and cause trouble again?"

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