Chapter 59

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Just ten minutes ago, An Yang had casually inquired about the operation of Dawn Games.

Faced with his mother's occasional questions, Li Yuan chose to be honest, and explained the company's situation after some consideration-

At present, the operation of all the old loss-making projects had been suspended, and a new game studio had been invested in and opened. Moreover, most of the manpower and material resources were concentrated on the construction of the new studio.

Although the main signboard facing the public in the future would be YWY Studios, as long as the return funds were sufficient, Li Yuan as the main shareholder and executive party could still resume the Dawn Games projects in the future.

But when An Yang heard this, her expression suddenly changed to show some blame.

In her opinion, Dawn Games was the work of she and her husband during his lifetime, and was one of the few remaining things she had from the other party.

In the end, Li Yuan had joined forces with some unknown outsiders to create a brand new studio without discussing it with her? Even future games would be branded YWY?

This was clearly giving up on Dawn Games!

Li Yuan sensed An Yang's mood swing, and immediately thought to admit his mistake in order to appease her, but the other party excused herself to the restroom, then got up and left.

Li Yuan was more aware of An Yang's mental illness these past four years than anyone else. Although the other party's health seemed to be good in the past half year, he still dared not treat it lightly.

Because there were separate restrooms for men and women, it was inconvenient for him to follow her directly, so he had to ask the female waitress for help.

The bathroom in the hallway was next to the stairs.

An Yang heard the lively party upstairs, and stopped to casually ask the waitress about it.

It should be known that people who could dine at Haodu were wealthy and respectable people.

Although An Yang's clothes were not from expensive designer brands, because of her outstanding aura, the waitress answered her as a matter of course, "Yes, Madam, the banquet hall is booked for a birthday celebration today. It seems to be the young master from Pei Group....."

Before she could finish, An Yang's expression changed, and she rushed forward.

The waitress thought that An Yang knew someone from the Pei family, so she followed her up and was not in a hurry to stop her.

But then An Yang rashly rushed into the banquet hall, which aroused suspicion and discussion from the members of the Pei family and guests, and she even stared at the host of the birthday party with some abnormality.

The waitress realized that something was wrong, and whispered to dissuade her to no avail. Seeing that An Yang was causing the host of the birthday party to be unhappy, she hastily went downstairs to inform Li Yuan.

Upon hearing about An Yang's "abnormality," Li Yuan immediately rushed forward.

Seeing his friend hurrying out, Pei Yi swiftly realized that something was wrong.

He was really worried about Li Yuan going upstairs alone, and he looked at Bo Yueming with a frown. "Er-ge, let's go up and have a look? I feel like something is wrong, and Xiao Li is your GM partner anyway."

Bo Yueming had seen early on that Pei Yi had something on his mind, and while indulging him, he didn't forget to make clear, "En, but don't mess around once you go up. You must be careful."

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