Chapter 17

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The next day, after waking up, Pei Yi was still enveloped in the lingering pain of drunkenness. He forced himself to get up and wash, and when he went downstairs, he smelled the aroma of breakfast-

Bo Yueming was a person who ate three meals a day in a timely manner, and had a regular schedule.

Although the two had not cohabitated for long, Bo Yueming had already memorized the sound of Pei Yi's footsteps. He cast his eyes toward the stairs, and there was still a curtain of fog in his field of vision.

However, there were some faint, almost illusory spots of light.

Bo Yueming's hand holding the coffee cup increased its strength, and he frowned in concentration.


His two eyes were not in focus, but Pei Yi noticed the seriousness of his expression and stopped walking for a moment, trying hard to remember.

What was wrong?

When he was drunk last night, could he have done something he shouldn't have done?

"Little Sir, why are you still standing on the stairs in a daze?"

Uncle Kai returned from outside and immediately ordered the servants beside him to scoop up porridge for Pei Yi in the kitchen. "Seeing that you were very drunk last night, Second Young Master deliberately didn't allow anyone to wake you up this morning."

Bo Yueming turned his eyes back, then lowered them and drank his coffee.

Pei Yi returned to his senses and went downstairs, sat slowly at the table, and a servant brought the breakfast tray to him.

There was a bowl of millet porridge, along with four light side dishes.


Pei Yi kept silent, frowning slightly.

The state of his body was even worse than he had imagined. He had drunk a little more than one glass of red wine in total. A night had passed, but his head was still dizzy and uncomfortable, and he had even lost his appetite for breakfast.

"Little Sir, do you dislike porridge?"

Pei endured the dizziness and shook his head. He picked up a spoon and stirred the steaming millet porridge.

Bo Yueming took a sip of coffee, and ordered with apparent casualness, "Uncle Kai, go to the kitchen and get a bowl of hangover soup for Pei Yi."


Pei Yi stopped drinking the porridge.

Unexpectedly, Bo Yueming could be aware of his physical condition in detail even when he couldn't see it?

Uncle Kai finally reacted, and smiled helplessly. "Little Sir is drunk. It's been a night and he hasn't recovered yet? I'll go to the kitchen and get it right away. Fortunately, I listened to the Second Young Master's words earlier and prepared it!"

Pei Yi stared at Uncle Kai's back, and swallowed the millet porridge on the spoon in one gulp. The former king of alcohol capacity had now been reduced to one drink. It would be a lie to say that he was not depressed!

"Now you know how uncomfortable it is?" Bo Yueming's lips hooked indistinctly. "Will you still drink in the future?"


Pei Yi took another sullen sip of porridge. His mouth was well-behaved, but his heart became increasingly defiant-

Drink, ah!

How could he not drink?

How much fun would be lost in life without alcohol?

The wine wall upstairs could always help him practice his original drinking capacity!

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