(Ashton) 'Begging'

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Nearly done with requests! After I'll strictly be doing (y/n)
Anyway this imagine is dedicated to Kaitlyn! Hope you like it! :-)



"Ashton?" You called getting out of the car and shutting the door. "Yeah?" He replies. "Where are we going first?" You finish grabbing the gear for the beach, towels, sun screen and sun glasses. "Well, I was thinking of getting a tan?" Ashton laughs. "Are you serious Ash? You don't need to be even more tan!" You start walking together towards the sand. The weight of your feet press down making the sand go between your toes. You crunch your nose and start to run, realising it was very hot and sinking into your toes, not a very good feeling.

"Race you to the water?" You hear Ashton from behind. "You're on!" You wink and continue to quicken your pace. Almost winning you feel hangs wrap around your waist and pull you down into the shallow water. "Ashton!" You squealed. "Oh come on, you didn't think I'd actually let you win?" Ashton scoffed as he ran his fingers through his now wet hand. "You know we should put in sunscreen, I burn quick!" You started to pick yourself up and head back to where you laid everything, Ashton following behind.

"This feel nice!" You close your eyes at the warm impact of Ashton's hands rubbing sunscreen on your shoulders, like a massage. "Too bad I'm not getting paid." He jokes, you turn your head. "I'm kidding! I'd do this anytime babe." He smiles showing his teeth. "I know I know!" You reply. "Hey Ash," you pause as he finishes rubbing your back. "Hmm." He mumbles waiting for you to continue. "Can you please give me a piggy back ride?"

Ashton gets up and thinks for a second. "If you pay for ice cream!?" He asks squinting from the sun and looking down at you. "Are you serious? Why should I pay?" You start to get up, slightly confused at what he was getting at. "What?" He shrugs. "I have to pay for everything do I?" "No, I was just saying. Here, go get some ice cream!" You say looking in your purse and placing a ten dollar bill in his hand. "Yay! Thank you!" Ashton almost runs to the ice cream shop. 'He can be such a child at times.' You thought silently laughing to yourself. "Chocolate for my lady." He happily hands you a cone with chocolate flavoured ice cream. "Why thank you."

"Hey Ash, what about that piggy back ride yeah?" You ask looking smirkingly in his direction. "I know something better," you looked at him and rose your brows curious. "What's that Ashton?" You mumble just enough so he could hear. "Well you'll have to move closer, Kaitlyn." "Can you please just come closer? The sands in places it shouldn't be." You grin but start laughing from the look on his face.

"Sure thing." His legs entwine with yours as you sit on your beach towel looking at each other. "Kaitlyn," Ashton whispers in your ear, sending shivers crawling down your spine. "Ashton." You whispered back seeing him shiver too. Without warning his lips locked with yours for what seemed hours. You part to catch your breath and smile to yourself before saying out loud. "This is great, I mean you're great."

The rest of the day you spent talking, forgetting everything around you. Nothing was more pleasant than the one you love with you.


I had no idea where this was going, apologies for it being shit.
Hope you're all having a good day, sorry for being non-active that should change soon!

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