(Ashton) 'Believe In Love'

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You and Ashton have been getting closer to each other recently. You don't know what to think of it, are you friends? More than friends? You're a tad confused by Ashton's actions lately. He would invite you over to cuddle and chat. Surely friends don't do that? You always used to watching movies every Friday night but things seem different now. You're tempted to ask why all of a sudden a change, but you're scared to know what he'll reply with. "(Y/N)?" Ashton calls out to you, you're in the kitchen making popcorn like you usually would on a Friday night. You hear Ashton's foot steps come closer, as you place rubbish in the bin.

"I told you, we don't need popcorn anymore!" He chuckles walking up to you. You stand there as his left hand caresses your cheek, you stare into his hazily brown eyes that make you melt. Is he revealing his feelings for you with actions, without telling you how he actually feels? Isn't that a bit... Strange? "Ash?...." You ask almost shivering against his soft touch. "Yeah?" He smiles, making his dimples show. "What are we?" You question curious to know the answer. "Friends..." He answers like its obvious. "Really? You most certainly haven't been acting like one..." You softly say as the microwave beeps. You walk over to the machine and gently pull out the bag of hot popcorn.

"(Y/N) What are you trying to say?" He looks at you with confusion on his face. "More than friends Ash! You've been cuddling me and whispering sweet things in my ear! I don't know... You tell me Ash! What are we?" You answer raising your voice. "I'm sorry..." He replies apologising. "I mean... Ugh! We don't even watch movies anymore! Just tell me how you feel Ash! I might even feel the same freaking way!" You don't know why you're angry at him. But maybe it's the fact that he's been hiding his true feelings for you, and his actions towards you have been different. "I didn't mean to make you angry... I never used to get nervous around you! Now I can't help it so I just... I just thought if I-" You cut him off.

"Ash, I'm not angry... Just confused about why you didn't just spill it out, rather than doing all these things... I get that you'd get nervous but it's just me, I could never be or stay mad at you!" You gently smile as you open the bag of popcorn. Strong arms suddenly wrap around your waist pulling you in the direction of Ashton's body. "I love you (Y/N) so damn much!" Ashton whispers in your ear, his warm breathe tickling against your skin. You smile at hearing those special words coming from his mouth for the first time. His lips brush over your cheek as his forehead becomes connected with yours. At this point your grinning, you place a hand on his cheek and stroke his temple with your thumb.

"I love you too..." Your heart suddenly beats faster, making you get butterflies as you start to burn up. Ashton knows you've never kissed a boy before. In that case it makes you much more nervous, especially because he's your best friend and knows all your secrets. A kiss on the cheek you can handle... But when it comes to the lips, you start to freak out. "Ash... I- I'm nervous I don't know what- or how and-" You say mumbling, Ashton cuts you off. "It's just me... Relax! You trust me don't you?" He smiles sweetly. "But I- yeah..." Before you knew it Ashton lips were forced onto yours making you shocked. You never knew the sensation of 'sparks' or 'fireworks' before. You simply have never kissed someone who meant something special to you until now.

Your hands move down to his chest as you press your body closer to him. Making Ashton hold you tighter. You hear the sweet sound of his voice whisper. "You're my everything (Y/N)..." You smile as you look into his beautiful eyes. "I have this strong desire to be with you... Every second of the day!" He continues as he looks back into your eyes with a warm smile on his face. You place your arms around his back and cuddle into him. Embracing the warmth that your body needs. "The popcorns getting cold!" You chuckle softly. "Well in that case, to the lounge!" He cheers. You let go of him and grab the popcorn from the bench.

Within a swift movement, you feel fingers entwine with yours as you walk to the lounge room. You smile at Ashton, as he squeezes his hold tighter making you feel safer than ever. You never knew this would happen, but your glad it did. For once you couldn't be happier by the actions that took place. Your love for Ashton is as strong as ever and your glad to say that you believe in him, and love...

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