(Calum) 'Nandos'

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Dedicated to Bek! Hope you like it! :-) x



"Oh no!" You ran frantically, being late to work is never good. This time you knew you were going to be in trouble. Your boss was never easy when you had to explain why you were late. Missing the train was one you've used way too many times. One minute until it departed, you quickly ran through the rails and rushed through the train door. "Phew!" You breathe out heavily, taking a seat next to a stranger. "You alright there?" A voice comes from the left side, you glance your eyes to the seat next to you and smile, seeing a boy around your age, with big brown eyes.

"Fine thanks, just had to rush so I don't miss getting to work late!" You smiled again. "I know how you feel, I might be late to a concert!" "A concert?" You questioned him. "Oh I'm in a band, well in other words I might be late to my own show if this train doesn't start moving soon!" You laughed at the fact that he might miss his own show. "Well that would be embarrassing!" You laughed again, taking in his flawless face, he wore a black beanie and a white tank top with a logo on the front. Along with skinny jeans and vans.

He chuckled as his eyes moved up to meet yours. "I'm Calum!" His voice echoed through your ears as you stared into thin air. "Bek" You answered him, fiddling with your fingers. "Uh finally!" He sighed, the train started moving as you checked your phone. Ten minutes until you were officially late for work. "So what's your job?" Calum asks you shuffling his feet. "Waitress for Nandos" You laughed, it wasn't' your dream job but it'll do for now. "Oh cool! I might see you for lunch today!" "Yeah, I'll make sure I serve you!" You smiled. "So what kind of genre is your band?" You crossed your leg over the other, putting your hands on your lap holding your phone. "Rock, with like a scent of pop!" He answered. "So like, pop rock right?" Calum nodded.

"Last stop, you have now arrived in the city!" The speaker on the train spoke. "Well, I guess I'll be seeing you soon then?" Calum smiled looking back into your eyes. You smiled and nodded, "For sure!" Grabbing hold of your bag you got off the train. Walking in the direction of Nandos, opening the door you smiled and greet your boss. Placing your name tag on and getting your shift started. "Just made it!" You huffed. "There won't be a next time if you're late again, just remember that Bek!" You boss evilly smirked. She was nice on some terms, in front of customers. Not so much alone... Lunch was just around the corner, it was 11:30am and you were on your 20 minute break. It ended quickly as you spent most of your time on your phone, scrolling through face book to see what everyone was up to. "Customers Bek!" The boss shouted, startling you. You paced up to the cash register and waited as people decided what they would like.

Bing Bing~

The bell on the door made a noise, signalling people had came in. "Oh nah, I don't think so!" A chuckle came from the group. You looked up to see Calum with a few friends, a smile plastered on your face from seeing him. "Hello, how can I help you? Calum and friends?" You glanced at them, one had dirty blonde hair with curls, another with a blonde quiff and one with spiked up brown and blonde highlights through it. They were all really good looking, but you were drawn to Calum. Maybe it was because you already knew him but either way, your eyes always seemed to be glazing at his.

"Dude, how does she know your name?" The one with curly hair and hazily coloured eyes said. "Oh I met Bek on the train. Ashton, Luke and Michael this is Bek, say hi!" He turned his head to look back at the others. You gazed at his face, his jawline was visible. A perfect line outlining the shape of his beautiful flawless face. A bunch of Hello's were thrown at you, you smiled showing your teeth as you looked down at the cash register screen. "So what can I get you guys?" "Um... uhhh" You laughed at their response. "You guys take a seat, I'll be with you in a minute to take your order" You gathered your notepad and pen, grabbing menus you followed them to a table of four.

"Okay so, here are the menus.. choose wisely!" You laughed. "Thank you!" Calum spoke as you placed a menu in front of him. "No worries! I'll be back shortly" You assured them, walking off to the cash register. "Hello what would you like?" You asked the boy that looked around thirteen years old. "Can I have a water please?" He asked nicely. "Sure thing!" You grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge behind you. Handing it to the little boy as he paid you the correct money. "Thanks!" He answered walking out. No more customers came so you headed back to Calum and his friends' table.

"Alright guys, orders?" They looked up at you and nodded, after you took their orders you went towards the kitchen. Making sure the chef knew their order you walked back. "Any drinks with that?" "Um I'll have lemonade please..." Calum rose his head from the menu. "Yep, anyone else?" No one answered. "Okay..." Grabbing his can of soft drink you handed it to him. "So how was your show?" You asked. "Great, in fact you should come to one!" "Really?" You said unsure. "Yeah!" Calum said. "I woul- oh you're food!" The bell rang, grabbing plates from the bench and placing it in front of each of them. "Enjoy!" They dug in, you served more customers as time went bye. Finally it was nearly over 20 more minutes.

"Are you guys leaving?" You asked them. "Yeah, we have to rehearse more." Luke replied looking down. "I'm sure you'll see me around!" You playfully hit Luke's arm. "Yeah, that would be good!" Calum buts in. You smiled as you gave them the bill. "Thanks for today, the food was great!" Michael said running his fingers through his hair. "Well, its my job!" You winked. "A every handy one too! Might come here more often!" Calum said. "I hope so." You swallowed. "Well, I think this is goodbye I'll see you soon!" Calum's hands reached out to you for a hug. "Do I get to hug Bek too?" Ashton cheered. "Sure!" You giggled, still embracing Calums warm hug. Eventually they all got a hug as they said their good byes. You went back to their table to clean there mess. Grabbing the napkins off the table you looked at one, it had numbers on it.

'Call me? 0400 765 432
Bye Bekky it was funn
Calum x'

Stunned by the note you smiled, knowing he wanted to become friends.


Thanks for reading!

Requests are nearly back open! literally like 4 more then I'll open them, I just don't wanna get a ton of requests when I've nearly done all of them, I wanna feel like I've accomplished some. :-)


Just wait guys, hang in there!

I'm gonna do some free ones with (Y/N) just because.... alright.

Byeeeeee x

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