(Ashton) 'I'm Not Drunk!'

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Dedicated to Rylie, hope you like it! :) x



You were home alone, finally some peace and quite time all by your self. You had recently got into a book you had bought and really wanted to read it. So why not read it whilst Ashton was at band practice, he said he wouldn't be back until later on at night. Not knowing what time that was you knew you were gonna have at least 3 hours to yourself. Hopefully that's just enough time to get half way through the book. It was by one of your favourite authors, excited to read it you get ready for bed early and get under the covers. Getting in a comfortable position you open the book and start reading.

You stop at chapter ten and look at the time, ten o'clock. You then grab your phone and see if there's any messages from Ashton. 'Where is he?' you think as place your book mark in your book and put it on your side table and think for a second. 'Ashton should be back by now, band practice should be over' You shake the thoughts out of your mind and decide to read one last chapter before you would go to sleep.

Captivated by the book you don't hear the front door open and someone walk in your room. "Rylie!" you hear Ashton almost shout, you look at him concerned. "Have you been drinking?" you ask him, he just smirks. "Maybe baby!" he laughs and hovers over you on the bed. "Ashton, please get off! I'm trying to read!" you plead nicely. "Just put the book down!" he replies kissing you on the nose and grinning, you could smell the alcohol in his breath.

"Ashton! Please just let me finish this chapter you don't understand! I have to continue!" You beg him. "fine, you're right I don't understand!" he spits back getting off you and angrily walking out. You sigh and place the book down again. 'To continue or go after the drunk boyfriend?' you eventually go after Ashton, walking down to the lounge you see him sitting on the couch. "Ashton, please just come to bed, you're drunk!" you stand in front of him and watch as his eyes meet yours. "I'm not drunk!" he says with his piercing eyes staring at you.

"Okay! Please come to bed?" you reply kind of annoyed he won't admit that he in fact is drunk. You take hold of his hand and lead him towards the room. He gets up and slowly follows you. Once you unfolded the sheets you helped him in and pecked his lips. Walking over to your side and getting comfortable, you lay on the side and stroke his perfectly placed hair. Moving it out of his eyes, he looks at you and smiles.

"I'm sorry Rylie..." he mumbles and closes his eyes. "It's okay," you stroke his cheek softly before continuing. "Sometimes you gotta have a little fun!" you laugh and peck his lips before turning off your side lamp and falling a sleep in his arms, knowing that in the morning he's gonna have to face a hangover.


A drunk Ashton aye!! Haha

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