(Calum) 'I Love Chu!'

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I dedicate this Imagine to my sister because she's a Calum gurl! (I wrote that in the Heartbreak Girl tone haha...) ENJOY! <3



You and Calum decide to go ice staking, your a bit scared because you've never done it before. "Come on Kellie, its fun once you get the hang of it!" Calum says trying to persuade you. "But I can't ice skate!" You reply looking down, you've just arrived at the ice arena. As you walk in, you gather your ice staking shoes from the front desk. "I'll teach you!" Calum winks. "Yeah? Good luck with that!" You laugh, as you find a table and start putting the ice staking shoes on. "Yeah! I'm a heaps good teacher!" Calum replies confident. "You're so lucky that I trust you! If I fall I'm blaming you!" You chuckle. 'It better not hurt!' You say in your head, you just have that feeling you'll fall.

"You can count on me! like one two threeeee!" Calum sings. Once you finish putting your shoes on you slowly start walking to the small arena. "It feels so weird walking with these shoes on!" luckily your good at keeping your balance. "You get use to it pretty quick!" Calum says as he steps onto the ice sideways. He holds onto the wall and helps you step on the ice. You try and take a step forward, its really slippery. 'Shit I'm gonna fall for sure!' You think as Calum grabs your hand letting you glide along with him. You first attempt to go around the arena holding onto the wall.

"Ok, now that you've gotten use to the ice, have one of these!" Calum says as he holds a trolley like thing that glides across the ice. "Now push on your right foot forwards, and follow through on your left, whilst holding the trolley to keep balance. Make sure you do it sideways!" Calum instructs. You try and follow what he's saying but you don't seem to get anywhere. "Here, let me help you!" Calum laughs as he comes up behind you and holds onto your waist. "Push with right!" He whispers. "Now left!" You smile. "Yay! I think I have the hang of it now!" "Yay! Lets move onto the bigger ice rink" Calum says grinning. "Ok, but I don't think I'm that experienced haha!" You say a bit scared. "Don't worry you'll do great, it will be fun!" Calum assures you.

You carefully but quickly walk over the  bigger ice rink. You and Calum hold hands as you slowly move in circular motions around the arena. "Cal wait up!" You almost shout, now trying to speed up so you can catch up to him. He decided to speed off without you. Therefore he left you struggling. Calum has now stopped skating and is waiting for you. But there's one thing Calum didn't teach you... How to stop! You're still going at a pretty fast speed as you nearly reach Calum. "Whoa slow down!" You crash into him, making him fall with you on top. "Ow!" Calum whines in pain.

"Sorry! you forgot to teach me to stop!" You reply laughing. Calum looks at you and smiles. "Whoops!" Calum grins at you, making you smile. You look into his big brown eyes. "This has been fun!" You comment making Calum nod. "Sure has!" Calum replies looking slightly downwards. You smile as you know what he's thinking. Out of nowhere his full, plump pink lips press onto yours. 'If only it snowed in Australia' you think, that would have made it even more romantic than it already is. "I love chu!" Calum whispers in a cute tone as he pouts. "I love chu too!" You reply in the same tone. You lean forward and peck his lips once more. Calum helps you up as you enjoy the rest of the day clinging onto him because you can't ice skate.


How was that???

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