(5SOS) 'Best Friends?'

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"Stop it!" You yell at Calum who was poking toy on your cheek. "Why?" He chuckles back. "It's annoying!" You say stating the obvious. "Ah! It's so hot!" Luke complains, as he fans himself with his hands. "Why don't we go in the pool then?" You ask has his face brightens. "Woo! Pool time!" Luke cheers. "Yay the sun!" Michael says sarcastically. You laugh as the boys all run off to get changed. You walk into your bedroom and grab a black bikini. You quickly get changed and make your way back into the lounge room. "Pool here I come!" Ashton suddenly yells. You look at each of them in there board shorts, showing off their chests.

"What are you looking at?" Calum notices you staring. "Nothing..." you mumble back. "Ha caught you checking me out!" he chuckles. "How do you know? I could have been looking at... Ashton!" you point at Ashton who happens to be standing behind Calum. "Well, they'll be looking at you too!" Calum grins at you. You look at him and reply. "Oh whatever!" you slightly look down, the bikini doesn't even reveal anything. Or so you thought. You walked outside to the pool and shrugged of what Calum had said. You place a towel on a chair and start walking over to the steps in the pool. "I know right!" you hear someone whisper. "I CAN HEAR YOU!" you yell and turn back to face the boys. "Hear what?" Luke says suddenly then swallowing looking guilty.

"Just because your jealous of my body don't mean you need to talk bout it!" you giggle. "So-rry!" "BOMBS AWAY!" Ashton yells jumping in the pool. You laugh as you get wet. You slowly step into the water and adjust to the temperature. After that you swim around. "let's play Marlo polo!" Calum says as he shuts his eyes. "MARKO!" he yells feeling around him as he walks through the water. "Polo!" everyone yells. You stay on the step and sit down hoping he won't find you. You look around the back yard and spot Michael on his side sleeping with sun glasses on. "Ah shit!" you yell as someone touches your hand, it was Calum.

"Got you!" he laughs. "Argh this is boring!" "well unless you have something else we could-" Calum says but you spot Michael holding something. "Ah Michael where did you get that pizza?" you look over to where he was seated. Under the shade on one of those sun baking long chairs with an umbrella. "Well, whilst you and the boys were busy doing whatever I ordered one online! And you didn't even notice me get up from my seat!" You look at him surprised.

"Wow! Can I have a slice?" you question smiling. "Come on! Please I'm you're best friend!" you plead getting up from the water and making your way over to him. "Fine but your not my best friend!" he gives you a slice of cheese pizza. "Then who is?" you ask curious. "This guy right here!" he hold a slice of pizza in his hand. "Oh, right... I knew that!" you laugh as you sit down on your chair. "So much for spending time in the pool!" you look at Calum, Luke and Ashton play around with the blow up doughnut. You smile as you enjoy the rest of the day laughing and arguing against your best friends.


I know that was boring and short but the next Ashton one is hopefully really good... I've really wanted to post it for ages!!

Thanks for reading! :) x

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