(Michael) 'It's Just Michael'

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 WROTE THIS IN CLASS AND OMG I think I like this…

 Dedicated to Amber, I really really hope you like it!

 ENJOY! :-) xx



 Looking around you glance at the stairs in view, hoping no one noticed you walking alone during lesson time. “You’re supposed to go the other way young lady” A teacher said walking past; you stood still glaring at the teacher as she walked another way. “Michael?” You walked closer up to the stair case, whispering. There was a chain blocking anyone from allowing access for some odd reason. This was where you and Michael sometimes met to talk during lessons you wanted to get out of. You still hadn’t gone to English and you don’t plan on showing up. “Amber?” You heard Michael; he on the other hand had a lesson upstairs so he was half way down.

 “Michael? There’s a chain!” You exclaim trying to see where Michael was. People didn’t really use these stairs so thankfully it was out of bounds with chains to ensure no one could get through. “Climb over, I had too!” Michael says slightly louder as you see him walk down the last step. He looks at you and smirks, “come on!” You look down; you weren’t that tall just average height. “I- I’ll try…” You lift one leg and hop over successfully; you place your right leg down but lose balance Michael’s hands quickly grasp your waist. “Thanks” you whisper your eyes looking up and meeting with his.

 “No problem!” Michael lets go and smiles his eyes never leaving yours. You decided to take it slow with Michael, he agreed as he didn’t want you to feel like you were rushing into things. It was like you were just really good friends, meeting up at the stairs nearly every day all you would do was talk, and well laugh. You never really had experienced anything with a boy before, it was amazing how long and patient Michael was with you. “How are you?” Michael asked, like he says every time you meet, it was something you liked and had got used to. He would always make sure you were happy and if not; he would talk about what’s wrong and make you laugh, Michael always knew what to say.

 “I’m G-good” You reply trembling your words. Something was different with you today; you hadn’t quite put a finger on what you were really feeling. “Oh really? Just good? Describe feeling good?” You swallowed walking up the first flight of stairs and stopping on the platform. “I don’t know, I just feel…” You pause and think of what words to say. “You know you can tell me!” You turn to face Michael. “I can’t think- I d-don’t know” You stuttered again and you don’t know why. “I think I know…” Michael followed closer to where you stood.

 “Okay, then what?” You were keen to hear what he has to say frankly because you were clueless. “I think you feel…” He trailed off, making you wait. A grin appeared on his lips, you look at his eyes, the yellow showing in his green coloured perceptiveness [Synonym for eyes lol] “T-tell me…” You placed your head down, ‘stupid stuttering’ you muttered in your mind. Suddenly fingers lifted your chin, shivers running down your spine. Michael’s eyes met with yours yet again, your heart was pumping extremely fast, and something in your stomach was going off. “You wanna know what I think?” Michael’s voice become low and soft, every inch of you was nervous. But why? You have never felt like this in front of Michael.

 “I think… You finally like me back and you’re nervous to be with me… and with what’s about to happen…” You breathe in deeply and look at Michael. “What’s about to happen-” You were shocked by the sweet density of Michael’s soft desirable lips connecting with yours. You smile into the kiss as you pull away running out of breath. “I really want you to be my girlfriend? Will you please Amber?” Michael says as your touches gently touch together. “Of course but you know…” Michael nodded. “We’ll take it slow!” His lips kiss your cheek and his hands grip your waist tighter. “Thankyou…” Your hand lightly strokes Michael’s cheek as you smile.  


 I tried to expand this but all I did was add a few words whoops

 Thanks for reading, hope you liked it!

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