(5SOS) 'Piece of Me'

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I apologise for the spelling errors :\ hope you like this one :) x



*Ding Dong*

Your door bell rings, "Coming!" You yell putting down the last box of Christmas decorations. You turn the handle as 4 figures stand at your door. "Come in guys! you know you don't have to knock!" You walk back to the kitchen and quickly check the oven, you had baked some cookies. Today you and the boys decided to help put up your Christmas tree and other decorations around your apartment. You get the cookies out of the oven and place them on the cool rack. "(Y/N) WHATS TAKING YOU SO LONG!?" You hear Micheal's voice. "CALM DOWN I JUST GOT HOT COOKIES OUT THE OVEN GEEZ CHILL" You yell back.

"Did someone say cookies?" Luke says as you make your way to the lounge. "Yes, but they need to cool down first!" You say grabbing random things out of a box. You already have a tree standing up, it just needs to be decorated. "I'm hungry!" Luke whines. "You just had cheerios not long ago!" Calum exclaims. "Pftt 20 minutes ago! I need fooooooooood!" Luke says singing the word food. You laugh and say. "Fine, have a cookie. Don't blame me if you burn your tongue!" you see Luke walk into the kitchen. Suddenly you hear. "AH FUCK HOT HOT HOT HOT!!" You crack up laughing.

"Ah that's better!" Luke walks back in with a glass of water. You still cant help but laugh. "Not funny! I burn't my tongue!" Luke frowns. "I told you so!" You chuckle. "Shut up!" Luke says as he chucks tinsel at you. "HEY!" You shout. "What are you gonna do about it? Huh! Huh!" Luke says sounding 'tough'. "Throw it back at you!" You grab it and throw, it lands on his head. "Ha- ha!" You finish unpacking the boxes as you now place things on the side and out the way. "BAM!" You hear Luke yell. "What are yo-" Something hits you on the shoulder.

"DO YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME!?" You yell, the others just watch. This is war... You grab a whole heap of tinsel and random streamers. You come in close to Luke and place it all over his head. Making sure he can't see. You grab a packet of decorative christmas balls and quickly throw them at him whilst he's having trouble getting all the tinsel and streamers off of him.

"Guys! help me out here!" Luke says wanting help. "Nah man this is too entertaining!" Ashton laughs. You just grin as Luke puts his hands up in defeat. "Wooo Victory is mine!" You say as you start dancing. After a while of dancing you get puffed out and sit down. You watch as they boys start decorating the tree. Later they ask you to put the star on, you do and stand back admiring what a great job they did.


thankyou guys for over 200 votes and over 10.4k reads! ahhhh!!!! I'm hopefully going to write christmas ones soon so stay stuned. I have a few requests coming up so after that I'll try and attempt christmas Imagines! :D

REMEMBER if you want an Imagine dedicated/requested please leave your name and who with in the comments! I can't promise when it will be up by. BUT it WILL be DONE <3

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