(Michael) 'Opening Up'

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Your sitting down at a table at a cafe, with one of your best friends. You chat about school and boys. "Nah, no way in hell would we be cute together! More like you and Michael!" Your best friend rambles on about how she doesn't like who you thought she'd be cute with. You just laugh and say "Hm I dunno" "Hell yeah, the way he looks at you says it all!" She exclaims. "Pfft that don't mean nothing!" You say looking at her.

"So you like him?" She questions. You shrug your shoulders. "I don't know, yet" You reply looking at the time, it's 2pm. "Hm He's probably with the boys or something" You say aloud. "Maybe he's just playing his x-box looking for a friend?" Your best friend says raising an eyebrow. "What! Don't look at me!" You chuckle and sip some of your drink.

"I'm just saying, he likes you! and you don't know how you feel so why not find out?" this time you raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" You ask looking at your surroundings. It was a beautiful and sunny day, you laugh to yourself at the thought of Michael not liking the sun. "See you were just thinking of him, Weren't you?"

"What! how did you know! Oh my god! why didn't you tell me you could read minds!" You laugh. "You laughed! which means you were thinking of him!" "I could have been laughing at anything!" She laughed and rolled her eyes. My phone suddenly beeped. A text from Michael had popped up. 'Sup little bubble up for some gaming? I'm tempted to kick ass :P x' You laugh and reply 'Sure! no I'll kick your ass! see you in a few blue haired smurf x'

"I gotta go! Michael wants me to kick his arse in some game" You chuckle and grab your things together before walking to his house. "Heyy!" Michael says in a posh tone. "Sup!" You reply all gangsta. You walk into the lounge room and sit on the couch. You lay with your feet up onto the table in front of you, and lay back and relax as Michael sets up the x-box game. After 30 minutes into playing a game, Michael pauses it. "Hey, what happened!" You say facing Michael. "I need to tell you something" He smirks and stands up. You stand in front of him and look up, staring into his eyes.

"I like you a lot, and its taken a while to sink in, but I cant hold in my feelings for you any longer." Michaels says staring down at you in the eyes. "I think I might just hav-" You lean in closer and Kiss his soft plump lips. You don't care that you didn't even finish your sentence, because Michael is everything you need right now. "wow" Michael smiles pulling away. You grin as you take a moment to let everything sink in. He opened up to you and your as happy as you can be.


Please vote or comment? thanks for reading and sorry if it wasn't my best Imagine! :) x

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