(5SOS) 'Not so Bad'

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"What are you doing?" Michael called, flinging his arm around your shoulder. "Literally nothing!" You reply glancing your eyes to him. "Come now... Hang with us!" Michael pulled your arm and made you follow to where he was sitting down with the guys. "Oh, hey (Y/N)!" Ashton smiled. "H-Hi..." You stuttered, Michael knew the boys effected you. But you were literally doing nothing so this could be a good chance to actually hang out with them. It wasn't the fact that they were boys, and they were really nice lads. It's the fact that they were all so extremely attractive and you couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable in front of them.

Michael was the friend who was a pain in the arse, you lived with him, like a roomate whilst at school. You would always be in your room 'studying' when they were over. "How are you?" Calum spoke, his big brown eyes staring at you as a smile plastered on his face. "I'm great, how are you?" You took a silent deep breath holding it in for a few seconds before letting it go, that went smooth. "I'm good, you finally finished with studying for a while?" Calum chuckled.

'Wow I'm actually having a conversation that's lasting longer than 3 seconds!' You were hyped up, not showing on the outside of course, that would be embarassing. "Yeah, I just hope all the hard work pays off." You reply looking around the room cautiously. "Well with the amount of time you've been studying you should be all good!" 'Yeah because you guys come over almost every freaking day' You swallow and think of something more appropriate. "Definietly! Well, I shall be back!" You point your index fingers in a zig zag wiggle motion towards the kitchen, storming off quickly you lean against the fridge.

"Oh thank god" A whsiper escapes your lips. "Now, food... Hmm." You open the fridge and look inside. "Dammit!" You groan as there was nothing that you craved inside. You then walk to the pantry, looking inside with hope of food you like. You hear the floor swing open and close like a waiter bringing plates of food. You turn your head and move your eyes seeing a figure walk in and stand a few metres away from you.

"(Y/N)?" A person calls quickly turning around you see Luke. "Uh hi?" You awkwardly look around the kitchen, trying not to make eye contact. "We're ordering pizza if you want to join? I can see you're in search of food?" Luke chuckled and smiled. Your heart was pumping awfully fast and a flush of red was bound to hit your cheeks any second if you don't reply quick. "Uh yeah, sure." You return a small smile and follow him back to the lounge room where they were sitting.

"The usual?" Michael asks, you nod in reply and sit down playing with your hands in your lap. "Wanna play?" Calum suddenly hands you a remote, "Watch out, Michael's been teaching me a few tricks!" You wink, wait what? Calum laughs and replies. "Oh yeah sure!" He rolls his eyes playfully as you begin to play. "What did I tell you?" You spit at Calum as you kill him one more time.

"Never mess with me and my roomate at games!" You evilly laugh and look over at Calum. "You trained her to kill! Michael what have you done? You've created a monster!" Calum gets up from the couch and hides. "Mwahaha!" You laugh again, suddenly the door bell rings. "Pizza has arrived!" You place the remote down and stand, ready to feast on food. "PIZZA WHERE YOU AT!?" Michael says searching for money. "Oh my god!" You take a sniff of the pizza, damn it smelt good.

After Michael paying he lands the two boxes straight onto the table. You immediately find the biggest slice and place it in your mouth. "It tastes so good!" You chew on the warm tasting slice of heaven and remain seated. "I could live off Pizza!" Ashton yells. "I think we all could!" You add as you grab another slice. "Movie?" You suggest. "How about chef?" You nod at the thought of watching a movie with more food involved. "Oh yeah!" Michael groans in approvement. Grabbing the disk out its case you place it in the dvd player and sit back and relax, eating until you were full. Pizza was truely the best food in the world.

After watching a movie the guys decided it would be best if they left. "Thanks for chilling with us (Y/N)" You twist the nob on the door. "No worries!" You grin. "Maybe we'll see more of you?" Ashton says, his hazel eyes shinning in the sun. "You can count on that!" You watch them walk further into the distance once they disappear you close the door and see Michael smirking at you. "What?" You wipe your hands on your jeans. "I told you they were nice!" Michael folded his arms across his chest. "Yeah yeah, they weren't bad after all!" You skip back to your room and can't wait for the next day to come.

Now you know not all attractive guys have bad personalities, especially Michael's random bunch of friends anyway.


Thankyou guys for reading, I hope you liked this one.

Christmas themed? Yay or nay?

I'm planninng on finishing all requests and doing christmas themed on the non request ones. I think you guys liked them last year?

Byeee for nowwww! Updates on other stories to come! WHOOP WHOOOP!

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