(Ashton) 'Beside You'

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I've been waiting so long to put this one up, no one has requested an Ashton one and even though this could have been a request sometimes its annoying reading imagines with other girls' names, so this one is just (Y/N) I hope you guys like it!

Thankyou so much for reading, voting and commenting it means so much :) x


'I'll be there shortly!'

A text from Ashton appeared on your phone, you were nervous but why? You'd known Ashton for quite some time, yet you were so nervous about going on a first date with him. It was like when you first expressed your feelings towards him, it changed the way things are now. But that's what you expected, if you liked your best friend for quite some time and they just happened to like you back. Suddenly you hear a knock on the door; you looked at yourself in your reflection of the mirror and slowly made your way to the front door. Butterflies erupted in the pit of your stomach of the thought of just seeing him.

You swallowed and opened the door, revealing a handsome Ashton. You smiled as you noticed his outfit, it was casual. He wore a pair of vans, black skinny jeans and a tank top. "Ready?" Ashton asks you, holding out his hand to take you to his car. "Sure am!" You answer excitedly. You take his hand as he lead you out the house. You look around but don't see a car. "I thought we were taking a car?" You walk in your flats onto a footpath, walking with Ashton beside you. "Well, I thought we could walk, we'll be back before dark anyways!" Ashton replies. Unexpectedly you feel hands entwine with yours. Swinging back and forth as you walked. More butterflies and nerves appeared, you swallowed and thanked god that it wasn't a hot evening. That would have been embarrassing if you had sweaty palms.

"So, where are we going?" You question him; his light curly brown hair blows against the wind, making you see his beautiful eyes. "That's for me to know, and for you to find out missy!" He giggles making you laugh along. "How about a hint then?" He laughs and replies. "Alright, it's a place where you get food!" Ashton says laughing. "I know that!" You say looking down at the footpath. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you..." Ashton looks over to you. He loosens his grip slightly. "Uh, doesn't matter..." He trails off. "Tell me?" You plead; you randomly look up and see a Chinese restaurant in few. "I'll tell you later, promise!" You nodded, knowing Ashton kept his word. "Wow!" You mumble as Ashton opens the door for you. You smile and look around the place; it was filled with the colours red and yellow everywhere.

"How did you know about this place? I've never seen it before?" You leaned over and whispered in Ashton's ear. You were now waiting in line to get served. "The boys and I come here often; I've just kept it a secret I guess... What would you like to order?" Ashton's eyes glance over to the menu board. "Oh, uh um I'll just have whatever really. I love Chinese so it doesn't really matter!" You look at the prices, they were hell expensive. Finally it was your time to order, you looked as the waitress typed things. You kept looking at the price go up. "Ashton... Let me chip in, they're hell expensive!" You whispered quietly so the waitress couldn't hear. "Don't worry, I got this!" He whispered back.

Once you finished ordering, you got shown to a table of two. "Ashton, I can pull my own chair out!" "Sorry, just trying to be a gentleman!" He backs off. "Okay, I know... Well thank you!" Not long of waiting, your meals finally come out. "Whoa!" you gasp as you look at the presentation. "I know! It tastes better than it looks!" Ashton laughs. "Your laugh is so contagious! It makes me laugh! Try not to do that when I'm eating!?" You chuckle looking at his flawless face.

His smile made your heart flutter. "This is um, kind of awkward? I never imagined going on a date with my best friend..." At that moment you regret saying that. Why must you make things awkward? "Hey! I never knew I was gonna fall of my best friend either, it just kind of happened. But it's all good, you don't make it awkward, you make it fun!" Ashton laughs again, "What did I tell you! I'm eating here!" You giggle. "Whoops! I can't help it!" Ashton takes a spoon full of some soup he ordered.

After you had finally finished your dinner, and tried so hard not to laugh. You were now walking back to your house, slowly this time so you could spend more time talking with him. "You know, there was always something about you that made me want to become friends with you in the first place..." Ashton randomly says, "Really? What was it?" You answer back, turning your head to see his features. His right dimple appeared as a smile spread across his face. "You're not like most girls, they all care about make-up and looking perfect around boys, but then I saw you... you're, different... You're special to me, (Y/N)..."

"Ashton... I- You're gonna make me cry!" Tears whelmed up in your eyes making your vision go blurry. "Shit, uh sorry!" He cursed and took hold of your hand. Tingles spread throughout your body from he's touch. Never in a billion years would you imagine this happening. "You're so amazing, did you know that?" You laughed and tried to think happy thoughts. No one has ever said anything like that to you, and to actually here it from someone especially Ashton made it even more special to you than ever before. You truly thought you could never love someone other than family, and well Ashton may just be the one. You saw the view of you house not fair away and suddenly never wanted this night to come to an end.

"(Y/N), I mean it. You're always there for me, cheering me up, I can't imagine where I'd be, or what I'd be doing if it weren't for you... (Y/N) I, I think I love you..." Okay now you're seriously about to cry. Tears spill from your eyes; it was only the first date. The only date you've pretty much been on and he's telling you he loves you more than a friend. "I don't know what to say, I'm just so overwhelmed right now!" You grin and wipe your eyes. "Well, say it back?" You swallow, can you say it back? "I L-love you too!" Ashton's face lights up, he smiles and wipes your eyes gently with his thumb. Out of nowhere he leans in, coming lose intact with your body. He places a hand around your waist and one cupping your cheek. Is something about to happen?

Your lips were partly separated as you were about to whisper something but held it back. Ashton slowly crept closer, his grip around you tightened, making you feel safer than ever. Your eyes glanced at his luscious pink lips as they seemed only centimetres away. You slowly closed your eyelids and hoped for the best. That's when the unthinkable happened; Ashton's lips were placed perfectly on yours. Mixed emotions exploded inside of you like a billion fireworks all exploding at the same time, making a rush of adrenaline pass through as your lips moved in sync, never wanting to pull away. Ashton pulls away and relaxes his forehead with yours. You looked towards his beautiful eyes and smiled to yourself.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" You whisper against his forehead. Your left hands found its way to his cheek, brushing it slightly. "Sure will!" His breath tickles against your cheek making your face slightly burn up. "Bye (Y/N)!" His face moves away, leaving the cold air surrounding your body. "Ashton, wait!" You quickly run after him. "Thank you so much! For everything that you do... Can't wait to see you tomorrow!" You wrap your arms swiftly around his back and squeeze him tight. Embracing his body warmth one last time. You breathe in his sweet scent as his arms place around your waist holding you close to his chest. "Bye babe..." He softly whispers making you melt. "Love you!" You faintly say as you pull away. This was just the beginning of a new relationship and you were bound to give it your all.

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