(5SOS) 'Love Square'

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Hiiii drunk 5SOS imagine is hereeeee



It was finally the weekend, you and your best friends were throwing a huge party at your house, with them being all old enough to drink their was going to be alcohol. You didn't mind but you were sure they would have a blast and get drunk. But of course you expected it, they were boys, and know how to throw a killer party. "Alright everything set up?" You walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. "Yep!" Michael said sitting down on a stool. All the boys soon followed as you stood looking at them. "I hope people turn up!" You said worried. "Don't worry! We've messaged practically everyone we know!"

"And you just expect tuns of people to show up?" They all nodded. "Well have fun!" "Oh yeah thanks for having it at your house!" Ashton smiled. "What are friends for!" "We go a little crazy... Just warning you!" Calum have you a heads up. You never really seen any of them party, well with alcohol anyway. "That's alright just don't trash the house!"

It was 5 o'clock the party had began, music filled your house as people instantly appeared through your front door, they weren't kidding. They knew a lot of people and they all showed up. Cups were laid everywhere, filled with a substance. "ITS SOMEBODY'S BIRTHDAY RIGHT NOW RIGHT NOW RIGHT NOW" Drake played as everyone sang along, sipping their cups. "(Y/N) HAVE I EVER TOLD YOU I LOVE YOU?" Luke stumbled almost tripping over his feet. "No but I appreciate it!" You laughed at him. "I mean it!" He pointed at you and walked away, someone's already had a bit too much to drink!

You danced to the music, bobbing your head up and down like a rock star as heavy music randomly started playing. "This is a great party!" You yelled above the music, as you saw Ashton close by. "I know! It's so loud!" Ashton cheered raising his cup in the air, you did the same and cheered each other. "I need more, I'll be back!" You quickly walked to the table and filled it with Jack Daniels. "Hey (Y/N) I couldn't wait any longer!" Ashton's voice whispered in your ear. "I was on my way back! I literally only took like two seconds!" "Two seconds two long!" His voice was husky, you've never seen him like this before. How do they manage to drink so much?

"How about you go find the others and party with them?" You suggested, "I want you!" His body came in close contact with yours. "And only you!" He continued, you immediately took a step back. "Ashton you're not yourself when your drunk!" You shouted trying to get him to leave. "But I know what I'm saying! Look, I'll walk in a straight line!" His hand brushed against your arm as he started walking. "Yep, that's pretty straight alright!" You replied sarcastically. "Why thank you!" He bowed taking it seriously. "Look Ash, I don't think you should drink anymore!" His arms wrapped around yours pulling you in for a hug. "I love you" you instantly pulled away, hearing those words from your best friend didn't feel right, you never would feel the same.

"Okay me gonna sleep now!" He let go of you and turned around. Suddenly another pair of arms grabbed you. Quickly checking the time it was only 10:30pm. "Shit!" You cursed, "you scared me!" "Hehe!" Michael said laughing like a girl for some reason. "Whatcha doing there Mikey?" You asked as his hands tightened around you. "Holding you!" His reply was late as his breath smelt of alcohol. "Okay well don't let go!" His head snuggled into your neck. "Never!" He mumbled. "Alright now jump!" You were going to attempt to piggy back ride Michael up the stairs and into one of the bed rooms. "Okay!" He did what you said, you gripped his heavy weight with your arms and walked to the flight of stairs. Taking a deep breath you took each step slowly, not sure how you were managing to lift someone like Michael. You finally made it to the platform walking down the hall with Michael still on your back, until you reached a door. You slowly let go of him and opened the door.

"You are best my friend whole the in world!" Michael said sloppy mixing up his words, gripping his hand over your shoulder, keeping him steady. "Yep I'm I sure am! Now let's get you to bed!" You replied stepping to the side of the bed and folding back the sheets. "I don't want to sleep! I wanna party all night long!" "Well you can't because you'll pass out and then I'll have to carry you all the way up here!" You replied in response. "But what about Calum and Lashton?" He yelled in your ear, putting Luke and Ashton's names together. "They're not drinking as much as you yet anyways! Now go to bed!" You removed his arm away from your shoulder, you placed your hands on his arms making him sit down.

"You're touching me!" Michael smirked. "Yeah I am Michael! Now lay back!" You gently pushed his chest down, his head was now on the fluffy pillow. You motioned his legs under the sheets and wrapped him up all nice and cosy. "Sleep tight Michael!" You kissed his forehead, ready to walk when a hand grabbed your arm. "I lo-" Michael whispered, "what?" You answered unsure of what he was trying to tell you. "I love-" he paused. "You." You shook the words off knowing he was joking because of the alcohol in his system. "Alright Mikey, get some rest!" You whispered back, he smiled and turned around hugging the pillow next to him as he slept.

Quietly shutting the door you headed back down stairs knowing the party was still going down. Music still blared through the speakers as people danced, holding cups in their hands. Suddenly a hand comes along wrapping around your waist. You turned your head, facing the person. It was Calum, "what are- how much drinks have you had?" You looked at his eyes, droopy and small as he smirked. "Calum!" You removed his fingers. "Answer me! Cal!" "I love it when you say Cal!" He whispered. "Um I'm guessing it's more than three!" "You could say that..." He shrugged. "Man this party is crazy!" You said aloud making your way to the couch. "I have something to tell you!" "You're so beautiful, have I ever told you that?" "Well you have now!" Calum shifted his body closer, his hand travelled to your knee moving slowly upwards.

"Listen, Cal- Calum why are you acting like this? You couldn't just say this sober?" "Nope because I know I wouldn't be able to have the guts!" "Why does everyone let their secrets out when they're drunk? It's stupid! I'm gonna go..." "Wait!" You stood up, glancing back at him. "I didn't get to say what I wanted!" "Well hurry up!" You snapped getting slightly angry. "I love you (Y/N)" you froze, what is this? Why are they all telling you this now? You were only friends with them, nothing more. "I um, gotta um... Bye!" You stuttered walking up the stairs. You looked back at people. After time you were sure everyone was gonna be passed out on the floor, you headed to head to a room where no one would be, getting some rest should be good but you're not looking forward to the morning. Knowing you'll have to remind the boys what they've said and done...


I think this needs a part two? What do ya reckon?

Thanks for reading!

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