(Luke) 'Baby I'm Back'

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Back to normal Imagines! hope you like it!



You're home alone looking at photos on your phone, you an Luke appear smiling. You miss him, but the thought of him being back soon makes you happy and excited to see him. You keep flicking through until your finger stops on one specific photo. It was of you and Luke kissing, it was like you were just meant to be. Luke cupped your chin as his lips were against yours. He was smiling into the kiss as you closed your eyes to enjoy the moment.

You remember the feeling of him holding you in his arms. His strong and muscular arms holding your waist. The moment he left to go to the airport, you knew it was going to be hard being away from him. But you eventually coped. You had school and other friends to distract you from your loneliness of not feeling loved. But they made you laugh and have fun, it just wasn't the same without Luke though.

You take a deep breath and decide to turn the TV on. You put your phone back in your pocket and walk over to the television. Pressing the on button, you wait as the screen appears you look what's on. It was the news, they were talking about One Direction and all their fans waiting at airports and other shit. They didn't mention anything about 5SOS and that made your heart stop for a spilt second. Seeing him on TV would have made you a bit happier.

You sigh taking another deep breath and reach for the remote. You decide to change the channel to something else. Hoping it will take your mind off things. You find a good channel that's playing a movie and leave it on that. You turn the volume a bit down and place the remote back on the table. Suddenly you feel someone out of no where put there arms around your waist. You almost jump in shock because you were home alone.

You think for a second. 'If I'm home alone, and Luke is finishing his tour... It could only mean that he's back' Your stomach suddenly starts getting major butterflies. I couldn't be him... "Luke?" You say as your heart races, the arms around you grip tighter. As a chin leans on your shoulder. "I'm back, babe" He whispers softly in your ear, causing shivers to go down your spine.

"I- Wh- Luke!!" You turn around and grip your arms around him as tight as you can. You've missed him and he's back. You don't even know if it feels real, but it feels good to be in someone's arms. You start to softly cry. "I've m-missed you s-so much" You say between sobs. Luke grips you tighter and pulls you close as you close your eyes and enjoy the moment of you two together again.

"I missed you more!" Luke says as he pulls back, he wipes your eyes with his thumb. As his hands are placed either side of your cheeks. He looks in your eyes, as you look into his gorgeous ocean blue eyes, that you haven't seen in ages. "Please don't leave me again" You say still looking into his eyes. "I'm back for good baby" He whispers coming closer.

Before you even realise, his lips are placed on yours. You kiss back. You've missed those lips, there still so soft and full as they were 2 months ago. Your lips move in perfect sync as Luke deepens the kiss. Your hands move to his hair as you gently stroke your hands through it. You had noticed he had gotten a hair cut since you last saw him. You smile as you pull away to breathe. "I love you" Luke whispers breathing heavily.

"I love you too" You smile again as Luke places his muscular arms back around you. You close your eyes and let the moment sink in. Luke's back in your arms and he's not leaving.


I really liked typing this! so I hope you liked reading it!!! :)x

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