(Luke) 'Falling For You'

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Hope you like this one! I couldn't really think so I'm sorry if its not that great. Christmas Imagines COMING SOON (hopefully!) <3



“Maryiah! Stop touching!” You laugh at Luke; you were in the cinemas waiting for a movie to start. You and Luke were the only ones in there and so you got bored and started touching Luke’s hair.  “But it’s so quiffy! And soft!” You giggle. Suddenly the big screen turns on and ads start to play. “Argh! If only you could rewind all the adverts!” You say as Luke fixes his hair. You laugh and eat some popcorn as the movie finally starts to play. “This is gonna be so good!” Luke shouts excitedly.

After the movie, you walk out of the cinemas. “Ah shit the LIGHT IT BURNS!” You shout covering your eyes. “Just keep blinking, it helps adjust!” Luke exclaims as you now walk alongside the foot path. “Ah that’s better!” You say smiling to yourself. “Doesn’t your mum find it strange that a girl is sleeping over?” You mention as you walk next to Luke. “Nah, she likes you, so I guess it doesn’t bother her, plus I’m 17!” Luke says turning his head to face you. “Alright then! Good!” You laugh as you make your way up to Luke’s door step. "Plus, were just hanging out!" Luke replies opening the door.

'Yeah.... since when has just 'hanging out' been friendly. Something always happens when a guy and a girl 'hang out' Right?' You think as you follow Luke to the kitchen. "Really? You just had popcorn and a huge drink!" Luke laughs as your comment. "I'm hungry! leave me alone!" Luke pouts at your teasing. "Alright, so what do you wanna do now?" You look at him as he searches the fridge. "More movies? Singing? Talking? Eating? Anything that floats ya boat!" Luke rambles on. "Uh..." You reply, not knowing what to do.

"Well I don't feel like doing much really... So talking?" You sit on a kitchen stool waiting for a reply. Instead Luke mumbles something with his mouth full. "Luke, swallow!" You grin as he finally talks. "To the lounge!" He laughs and points. You make your way to the lounge as you both sit on the couch. Your phone suddenly goes off, you take it out your pocket and unlock your screen. "Oh my fucken god, what does he want now!" You say frustrated. It was a message from Ryan who is the class clown and hot shot, who thinks he can get with every girl in the class. He's been trying to get on your good side and take you out. But you know that will never happen and frankly you don't want it too.

"What's going on?" Luke says confused. "Ryan in my class wants to get with me! fucken player!" You don't bother replying as you turn your phone off. "Is he hot?" Luke says curious. "Not as hot as you!" You reply smiling. That was definitely true, no one could and will ever beat Luke in looks, because he's just too perfect. The way his blue orbs sparkle when he laughs, or the way he hugs you. You seriously couldn't ask for a more perfect friend. Only thing is, sooner or later someone will develop feelings and well. You already have. And you're falling for him hard.

"Earth to Maryiah!" Luke clicks his fingers. You blink and give him a confused look. "You were staring at me and it was getting creepy!" Luke chuckles. "Well sorry! I couldn't help it I was too busy thinking!" You reply looking at your hands. "Thinking of what?" Luke answers, you could feel him looking at you. You just stared downwards and answered. "You.." It goes silent... 'Fuck that I regret staying over' You think, your heart starts racing a thousand miles, did that just ruin your friendship? "Luke I-" You start to say, but you notice Luke coming closer. "I like you too, a lot!" Luke says, like he just read your mind. You look at him surprised but your thoughts are interrupted when Luke's lips are placed on yours.

Who knew falling for a friend could make things ever more better than they already are?


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