5SOS Imagines

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(Ashton) 'I Missed You'


Its been 3 weeks since you and Ashton have seen each other. Every day you look forward to seeing him. Only another 3 more days, you keep saying in your head. Hoping time goes faster each day. You really miss him and cant help but break down and cry. You look through your photos to see you and Ashton together smiling and being happy. Wishing he was right next to you, comforting you and holding you tight in his arms. Time zones ruin everything, its nearly impossible to even have a simple conversation, because he's so far away and always so busy and doesn't have the time.

You close your eyes and try to remember what he had last said to you at the airport. 'I Love you so much don't forget that, don't miss me too much' you chuckle at his humour, your phone flashes at 5 am in the morning. Reaching for it your hoping its a message from him. Only to be a notification on facebook from a friend. You sigh and close your eyes trying to get some sleep. Having an empty space next to you doesn't help feeling left alone. In the dark with no one there with you, When you cant sleep at night.

3 days past and your at the airport waiting, You cant wait to see Ashton. You notice Luke walk through security, then Calum and Michael. You look at your feet praying Ashton will walk out any second. You look up and notice a figure standing in front of you. Your face lightens up as Ashton is standing and smiling at you. You wrap your arms around him and breathe in his scent. Your eyes start tearing up as you get emotional because of how happy you are to finally see him. After all that time being alone.

Ashton wraps his arms tighter around you and whispers. "I missed you so much" you smile and say back. "I missed you more" Ashton pulls away and says. "That's not possible!" He smiles cheekily. You finally arrive home after a long car ride from the airport. You enter the house with Ashton by your side. "Man I'm tired" Ashton says walking into the room you share. You lay on the bed and look up at him, His hair falling onto the side of his face, perfectly placed. Ashton falls by you landing next to you. You turn on your side facing him, looking at him in the eyes.

"I love you" you whisper as his eyes sparkle looking into yours. "I love you too" He whispers back, your heart starts beating fast. Its finally kicking in, that Ashton is here with you for the first time in weeks. Ashton cups the side of your face, gently stroking your cheek with his thumb. Ashton leans forward slowly approaching you.

Your lips meet and fireworks explode. His soft, sweet lips on yours moving in perfect sync. You pull away to breathe as Ashton smiles, "I'm really tired...Good night, I love you so much!" Ashton says pecking your lips once more before laying back underneath the sheets. "Good night, have a good sleep I love you more!" You lay back and a sigh of relieve feels the room. Ashton's here with you and he's not going anywhere...


Hope you liked it! Please vote and comment and tell me what you thought :)

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