(5SOS) 'Falling For Four Friends'

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I think this is the best group one I've written! hope you like it! :) x



It was a normal school day, with your four best friends. "Hey (Y/N) How are you?" Michael says to you as he walks by your side. It was lunch time, you're walking to your little spot that you guys all hang out at. "I'm alright you?" You smile as you see Luke sitting at the table.

"I'm good" Michael replies taking a seat next to Luke. Ashton comes along next, he sits on the other side of you. Calum then comes along and sits with you. "Guys..(Y/N) LIKES SOMEONE!!" Michael yells to the rest of the boys. "Who!?" Calum says leaning in closer. "OMG WHO DO YOU LIKE!" Ashton yells receiving stares from other students. "Come on! tell us!" Luke begs. You think for a second.

'I like all of them, the way Calum always cheers me up when I'm down, How Michael is my gaming buddy, and he's amazing hair! Ashton's giggle and great personality, Luke's amazing hugs, smartness and cockiness its all to much for a girl to handle'

"If I told you guys... It wouldn't be the same" You say looking at each of them, with there confused looks. "How so?" Ashton questions you. "Uh its just I- I don't know" You get up and run to the girls toilets. Locking yourself in a cubicle. 'The boys wouldn't dare come in here' You think as you sit on top of the closed toilet seat.

Suddenly there's yelling and the sound of a door opening. You hear lots of footsteps enter the girls toilets. You start to worry. "TELL US OR YOU'LL BE LATE FOR ART CLASS NEXT!" Calum yells, it sounds like he's standing right in front of me, only a door is standing in between us. "FUCK! NO PLEASE I LOVE ART CLASS NOO I HATE YOU GUYS!" You sob. "Well, what's it going to be?" Ashton says laughing evilly. "I'd rather stay locked up in here than tell you!" You snap at them.

"Ouch!" Luke says acting hurt. "Get over yourselves" You say in a bitchy tone. "I think you need to get over yourself, and own up! Don't forget, we have your school bag! and LUNCH!" 'crap' you curse to yourself. "I can't tell you guys though, I seriously would but" You confess. "Why not? its not like its more than one guy!" Luke chuckles.

You stay silent. "Shit! Really?" Michael says. You just stay silent. "KILL ME NOW GOD PLEASE, I'LL JUST DROWN MYSELF IN THE TOILET!" You stand up ready to drown yourself. "WE ALL LOVE YOU AND NOTHING YOU SAY WILL CHANGE THAT JUST COME OUT OF THE TOILET!" Calum says. You breathe and decide that's the best thing to do. Plus you can always just ran away again. "Alright guys... I'm coming out" You slowly unlock the door.

suddenly the boys grab you, "Hey! that's not fair!" You try and escape but its just not working against four strong boys. "Alright, Just let go I'll tell you! cross my heart, hope to die!" You say as you draw a cross against your heart. That can mean only one thing. You have to tell the truth, or you die for real. The boys let go, as they know your being dead serious. You take another breath and start talking.

"I like all of you, now please don't kill me, or hate me. Please I just... I'm sorry!" You run and end up on the school oval. The boys chase after you as they tackle you down to the grass. "Stop! get off me!" you struggle to breathe as they boys are crushing you. "Listen, we love you weather it may not be the same, but we love you... as a sister. Don't take it the wrong way Ok?" Ashton says getting up and brushing himself off. "Yeah, Thanks guys... After all that, it totally makes me feel better" You say sarcastically.

"We're not perfect!" Luke says sitting down next to you. "But you're all perfect in my eyes!" You say playing with your fingers. "Well, your perfect to us" Michael says joining you on the grass. For the rest of the lunch you talk and muck around. Your feelings aren't locked up inside of you anymore. And all the boys are fine with it. Because they will love you no matter what.


I just re read that, its not that great but I will edit it tomorrow... if I remember!

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