(Luke) 'Unpredictable'

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Dedicated to Madison! Hope you like it :) x



"Hurry up!" You say as you wait, getting held up in a que. It was almost time for your best friends birthday party, and you were in line holding her present. "Excuse me!" You slightly whisper unsure of the situtaion that's happening. Some guy was holding up the line and talking loudly to the cashier. You look at the figure, he was really tall... considering your height was only 4'11. You almost start to complain when your phone starts to ring. "Hello?" You answer not bothering to check the caller ID. "Hey Madi just wondering when your coming?" You best friend asks. "Yeah, I'll be there in a bit!" You smile hoping this line won't take forever.

"Okay, cool! See you soon!" You end the call and place your phone back in your army coloured shorts. There's something about the army that you love, whether that be the colour or just the comfortable clothes they wear. Your hands start to wonder and fiddle with the item you had bought, or about to buy. You can't stand waiting, because your not that patient with things. You place a part of your brown hair over your shoulder as you look in front of you. You were just standing behind this tall guy who was chatting to the cashier, one guy until you get served and he decides to just chat away like no one is waiting behind him.

'What is this guys problem!' You sigh as you now tap your left foot on the ground repeatedly. You decided to make a move. You step forward and tap the guy on the shoulder gently. "What's your problem? I'm going to be late for a party!" You complain to the guy. You take in what he looks like. He had blonde hair kind of spiked up but in a quiff, he had sparkling blue eyes and his lip pierced with a black stud. His eyes looked at you as his lips formed a slight smile, but that soon faded as he saw your face. You now had your arms crossed over your chest and a straight face, showing you were angry. "I uh, I was just talking to an old friend..." He replies chuckling like it wasn't a big deal.

"Well, I kind of need to buy this! I've been waiting for at least 15 minutes!" You hold up the present. "Ah..." was all the stranger replied with. "Can't you catch up with your 'friend' later?" You question using your index fingers for quotation marks for the word friend. "Uh sorry, um here you can have this... for making up for the lost time..." The boy holds up a random bunch of flowers. You chuckle in disbelief. "Uh..." You look down and then back up. "Well... how can I repay you?" The boy asks. 'He seems nice' you think as you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket.

'Madison where are you!?' A text from your best friend appears on your screen. "Ah! um can you do me a favour?" You ask "Sure..." He replies smiling, you smile back and say. "How would you like to come to a birthday party?" You question. "Hm why not?" He laughs silently. 'Maybe bringing one extra person to the party will make up for being late'.  The weird thing is you don't even know his name.


Sorry if thats not how you 'pictured' it to be Madison! It wasn't romantic PLEASE FORGIVE ME!

So like I would have typed this on new years... but I was busy killing a massive spider and kinda forgot about it... so its the first IMAGINE OF 2014!! WEEEEE! :P

thankyou guys so much for commenting like seriously you guys are so nice and I just... it keeps me writing, I LOVE YOU GUYS! thankyou SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING! and of course READING AND VOTING! Ok enough!

byee! :) x

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