(Calum) 'Surprise Party!'

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You and Calum were in the car, it was his eighteenth birthday and you were taking him out bowling with friends. AKA Luke, Michael and Ashton. But what Calum didn't know was that after bowling there was going to be a surprise party with friends. The boys and you had organised a special cake with a cute chocolate puppy on the centre. You were sure he was going to love it.

You finally arrived at the ten pin bowling club. You opened the doors and saw the boys lining up to get their shoes. You smiled and walked up to them. "This will be fun!" You whispered to Calum. "(Y/N) Are you ready to lose?" Michael said grinning. You had quite a bit of experience with bowling so you and Calum were on a team, the three other boys laughed as they were a team and thought they will beat you and Calum. "Bring it on!" Calum said grabbing his pair of shoes from the counter.

Once you all gathered your shoes, you got given a lane, the boys and you walked over to the lane. You placed your shoes on and looked up at the screen, showing your name first. You then stood up with confidence and grabbed your bowling ball. Holding the ball you swung your arm and released the ball. It sped down the lane as you walked back looking up at the screen for your score. You had hit nine pins. If you get the one pin left its a spare. "Good shot (Y/N)!" Calum yells excitedly. You look at him and smile before reaching back for your bowling ball.

You aim and swing letting the ball go towards the pin, the ball knocks it down. "Spare! woo beat that!" You say in Luke's face as he was next. "Luke get a strike!" Michael shouts, you sit down next to Calum. "Great shot babe!" Calum's voice whispers against your neck. "Thanks, knock em dead birthday boy!" You chuckle as Luke finishes his shot. "You suck!" Ashton laughs at Luke. "I tried! Like to see you do better!" Luke crosses his arms over his chest and sits in the back on a stool next to a table.

After finishing two horrific games of intense bowling, Calum and you ended up winning both. "You guys cheated!" Michael whined. "How?" You questioned raising an eyebrow at him, as you now walked to the car park. "You probably made up a plan to get us three!" "Yeah? And how would we do that?" You laugh getting into your car with Calum in the passenger seat and the three other boys in the back. "I dunno! But you did!" You started the ignition and reversed out of the car park heading towards Calum's house."I thought we were going to your house?" Calum said confused. "Yeah we were but we decided to celebrate at your house instead!" You smiled.

You pulled up at the drive way and turned off the engine. You looked back to the boys and slightly nodded signalling them to leave and prepare for action. You reached to the back seat were you pulled out a medium sized box. You handed it to him and smiled. "Happy 18th birthday! Hope you like them!" Calum grabbed the box and looked at you. "(Y/N) You didn't have to get me anything!" You laughed. "I had to get you something, It's your 18th birthday Calum, you only turn 18 once!" You reply as Calum unwraps the present.  

"Holy shit! These are amazing! Oh my god..." You smile as he looks down at the shoes you had gotten him. They were Jordans AJ Mid in blue. (There should be a picture on the side, if reading from computer) "I can't believe it, aw you're the best babe, love you!" Calum leaned closer and pecked your lips. "Your welcome!" He took the shoes out to take a closer look at them, when he noticed a blind fold. "What's this?" He asks. "Do me a favour and put it on?" You ask sweetly. "Only for you!" He chuckles. He places it on and re positions it so he can't see. "Okay, now come with me!" You reply, placing the shoes back in his box and carrying them as you make your way to his side of the car.

 "Okay, lets go inside!" Calum probably already knew it was a surprise party but there's no harm in trying to surprise him. "Which your step" You said as Calum took held onto your waist for better balance. You walked through his front door and entered his living room. "Okay, you can take it off now!" You clapped your hands as you looked at your surroundings. There were streamers and balloons everywhere. A table set up with food and his cake right in front of him. "Holy shit!" He mumbled taking in the surroundings and stepping forward to walk.

"Cal-" It was too late, he had fell face first into his cake. "Calum! oh my god! Are you okay?" You said hoping he wasn't hurt, instead he starts laughing. "Yum, it tastes good!" You reach forward to help him up. He grabs onto your hand for support when you feel yourself falling, you land straight on top of him and smile. "Uh, Happy Birthday!" You laugh. "Thanks babe, it's been good!" He grins and looks into your eyes. He reaches forward and places a soft kiss on your lips. You deepen it and place a hand on his cheek. Kissing his lips again before pulling away. "I love you!" You say kissing his cute nose. "I love you too!" He smiles and kisses your nose.

"Get a room!" You hear people yell. "This is my room, you get out!" He laughs as you stay in the position a little while longer enjoying his company.



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Remember if you want to request one I have quite a lot of Luke requests to write, so please request other boys!

Thanks for reading :) x

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