(Ashton) 'Happiness'

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Dedicated to Seri! Hope you like it :) x



You took a deep breath and made your way through the crowed and massive halls of you're new university, that you were starting to attend. Well You weren't new you were just starting uni, you knew absolutely no-one and didn't really know your way around the massive building block called Uni. "Are you lost?" You heard a male voice from behind. You turned around to be faced with a guy around your age. He smiled with his teeth and waited for a reply. "Uh, yeah... Do you know where the people studying to be a music teacher go?" You smiled shyly at the guy.

"Sure do, follow me!" The guy smiled and started walking in the opposite direction. You quickly walked beside him looking at the hallway trying to remember where everything was. "I'm Ashton, but most people call me Ash!" Ashton said looking at you with his hazel brown eyes. "Nice to meet you, I'm Seri!" You smiled back and looked at Ashton's hair, his curly fringe covered his right side of his forehead. "Your hair is really awesome and curly! I like your fringe!" You laugh hoping that he won't think you're weird. "Thanks! You're hair is pretty epic too!" He chuckled as you now stopped at a door.

Ashton opened the door to reveal chairs and tables on one side, and instruments on the other. "Whoa!" You whispered as Ashton walked over to a drum kit, "You play drums?" You ask looking at him, he sat down on the stool and nodded. "At this Uni we practice instruments and see if we can explain how to play then, it's pretty fun! Do you play anything?" Ashton hit the bass with his foot. You stood there randomly and smiled. "Yeah, drums too!" You replied excitedly. "No way! That's sick as!" Ashton tapped the snare with one of his drumsticks. "Yep!" You laughed taking a random seat at a table.

"What dorm are you in?" He asks you after he finishes playing a beat on the drums. "Ah..." You look at a piece of paper you held in you left hand. "Area B dorm 24!" You say proudly, not really knowing if that was a good place to be in. "Awesome I'm Area C dorm 24! We're right across from each other!" Ashton cheered. "Yay!" You laughed. "Here I'll show you where it is!" He quickly gets up and rushes out of the music room. "How do you know all this?" You ask curious to know if he was new or not. "Failed my music study last year so I'm repeating to get even better! Got caught up in a few things!" You nodded as you now reached a building behind the Uni where the rooms were held.

(I know Uni is different to College but lets pretend you actually have dorms)

"So you're, twenty?" You wondered, you decided to have a gap year and actually decide what you wanted to be doing with your life. You love playing instruments and performing songs. So what better thing to do than teach other students how to do so. Now you're nineteen years of age and cant wait to graduate University. "Nineteen you?" You walked up the flight of stairs as you turned the corner. "Same!" You replied looking at the view of the city in sight. "That's awesome! Here we are!" Ashton said stopping at a door with the label 'B24' on the door. Ashton opened the already unlocked door and lead you inside. It was quite small but big enough for the things you needed.

"This is the bed!" Ashton says pointing towards a single bed next to a desk. "Yep I can see-" Your foot got caught on the edge of the desk and you fell backwards onto the bed. Ashton laughed and flopped down next to you. As you squished together to fit on the bed. "That!" You laugh as you finished your sentence. "This is comfortable!" Ashton giggled. You reposition and turned on your side to face him. With your head on the pillow. "Yeah..." You looked into his eyes and smiled. "I'm glad I met you, even if it was only a few minutes ago!"

"Me too!" Ashton giggled, his giggle was so un-describable. Whenever he laughed it made you melt and want to laugh with him. Even if you didn't know what was funny, he had that effect on you. "So what do you think of it here? So far?" Ashton mumbled, coming out as a whisper. His body moving sightly closer. "I think I'll like it even more, because I have a new friend!" "And that friend is who? Because I think I've known you forever!" Ashton looks at you and smiles. "I think he ran off actually. I forgot his name! I think it was... Uh Alex? Something with an A at the start!" You shrugged trying not to laugh.

"So... Seri wanna go out for coffee sometime?" He seemed to move even closer, being the person that you are. You didn't move away, instead you were focused on those lips of his. 'Shit, fallen for him already' You think in your head as you look back to his eyes, then to his lips again. "Seri?" Ashton says with a smirk on his lips. "Sorry what?" You say almost blushing by him catching you off guard. "Whatcha thinking?" Suddenly a bell goes, signalling some people to class, only if there course was on. "Uh, um.. We should probably go!" You curse to yourself in your head and regret getting up from the bed and ruining what could have just happened.

"Maybe later!" You hear Ashton faintly say as you open your dorm door. "How about that coffee?" You say looking back at Ashton. "Sure!" You smiled and walk out, maybe just friends for now but something will definitely happen later.


I was gonna, but I didn't wanna... ;)

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