(Calum) 'Positive Thoughts'

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"Fuck I hate school" you mumble as you remembered it was Monday. You look at the time 6:45am you slowly roll out of bed, trying not to wake Calum as he had just came back from touring and would be really tired. You slowly open the door and make your way to the kitchen. Quietly you make some breakfast and sit down and eat. After that you walk back to your room and pull out your clothes. Getting dressed in your uniform as you then make your way to the bathroom.

You brush your teeth and then start putting some makeup on. You blend your foundation, then put on concealer. After that you move onto mascara. You look down into the mirror to make sure it looks good. Then putting the lid back on. You suddenly feel arms go around your waist and a chin lean on your shoulder. "What are you doing up?" You ask Calum. "The bed was cold, and I couldn't sleep without you there" He whispers still cuddling you from behind.

"Well, I have to go to school" You say, the thought of you going to school doesn't feel right. But you know its for the best. "How about you don't go to school today and stay with me, please" He whispers in the crook of your neck as you attempt to finish your makeup. "I can't" You say disappointed. "Why?" he questions you. "Because I have an exam today!" You say as Calum shifts his position.

He's now face to face with you, hands still placed on your waist as he looks down at you. "I'll help you study! Pleaseeee" He says pouting his lips. "Stop it!" You laugh, you always give in when he pouts. It's so cute that you can't resist. "Pretty please" He begs. "Fine, but I have to leave later on.." He smiles and hugs you. "Your beautiful without makeup" Calum says to you as you pull away from the hug. You look at him and shake your head.

"I don't feel and look beautiful without it" You say, then shrug your shoulders. "But your beautiful in my eyes, you shouldn't have to care what people think of you!" Calum looks at you. You think before replying with. "But I care!" you pack away your makeup and walk into your room. "Right, Mr Hood Help me out here" You say as you grab your Maths book and a pencil. You then walk to the lounge room and lay everything out on the floor.

You sit down and open your book, ready to study. "You're going to ace this (Y/N) I know you can do it!" Calum cheers as he sits by you. "I need you to help me study!" You smile. "Right, well lets get started!" You look down at your book and start revising some questions and answers. Soon after an hour of revision and Calum testing you, you think your ready. "I should go now... I'll be back in an hour" You say  bit nervous.

"Alright, and don't worry you'll do great, I know you will!" Calum says positively. You laugh as you pack your things. Your just about to head out the door, when Calum stops you by grabbing your hand and turning you around, you face him. "You're going to ace it (Y/N) Don't doubt yourself!" You swallow and smile at him. "Just think positive" He assures you. "I'll try" You mumble. He lifts up your chin and looks at you in the eyes.

"Don't try, do..." Calum whispers leaning in. His lips touch yours, you already feel better and just can't wait to get the exam over and done with. "Good luck" He whispers softly. You smile again and head towards your car, knowing you'll do great and its all because of Calum.


I hope that wasn't that short! GUYS MY IMAGINES HAVE OVER 3,000 READS! OMG THIS UPDATE IS TO CELEBRATE WHOOP WHOOP! hope you liked it! :) x

 p.s I would love someone, anyone to leave me comment it would mean a lot!

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