(Luke) 'Lucky One'

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this is dedicated to Rebecca who requested Romance/and a bit dirty ha... I'm gonna try ok, don't hate me! I wanna keep this like PG-13

I really apologise for making people wait I seriously don't mean too and I would hate me if I had to wait this long I'm really sorry...


Enjoy my friends :-)



"I'm here!" You hear Luke yell from the front door, you continue making a sandwich as you know he'll let himself in. "Becks what you doing?" His voice becomes near, you place the top piece of bread on and chop it in half with a knife. Suddenly a head leans on your shoulder and hands wrap tight about your waist. "Making myself a sandwich!" You smile feeling Lukes lips press softly against your neck. "How has my princess been?" He mutters, his lips moving against you neck from him talking. "Good, how has my Prince Charming been?" He chuckled and quickly turned you around so you were facing him. "Bored because I haven't seen you in like forever!"

"Are the boys coming over to?" You wonder, you place a hand on his chest and look up your eyes meeting his bright blue ones. "Don't you think I would have brought them with me?" You shrug. "I mean I guess... Well what do you suppose we do?" Your stomach craves for the sandwich. "I can think of one thing..." His lips smirk and you smile. "Can I finish my sandwich first?" You ask still remaining close. "We can make a sandwich" Luke whispers stepping more, you inch back and collide with the bench. His soft lips leaving a trail down your neck, and to your collar bone. "Luke..." You whisper, as much as you'd like to make a sandwich with him, you want to eat the one you made.

"What?" He mumbled placing another kiss under your jaw. "Can I eat first? I'm starving!" You look to your left, the plate with your sandwich was on it. "Aw my poor baby." Luke lifts his hands and allows you to reach the food. "Thanks, do you want some?" "Of you, yes please!" He laughed, you playfully hit his arm and take another bite. After finishing the sandwich you grab a glass of water and wash it down, placing the glass on the sink you turn your attention back to Luke. "Now where were we?" You grin and place your lips to his. "I think it was somewhere along the lines of this?" Luke's hands trail up and underneath your shirt. His lips never losing hold of yours. His hands gently slow down moving to your thighs, he grabs hold and lifts you up on top the of bench.

You close your eyes in pressure, Luke knew how to seduce you in every way possible, him teasing you only made you want more. "Luke..." Your hands run through his blonde hair making him moan, he never once stopped kissing you. His fingers lifted up the thin material of your shirt, pulling it up and over your head landing somewhere on the floor. "You're so beautiful!" Luke's breath tickled against you ear.

Suddenly the sound of a glass shattering caught your slight attention only you didn't really care because you were caught up in an intense moment. Luke's hands remained on your waist casually slipping over to your stomach, his soft and gentle touch creating shivers throughout your body. You hear a door open, confused for a second you stop, realising someone had just walked in.

"Shit!" You mumble to Luke as you quickly slide down off the bench, looking for your shirt. The glass still plastered everywhere on the floor. "Rebecca where are-" your mum called walking into the kitchen. "You" she finishes looking on the floor to see glass everywhere, her eyes move towards you. They widened as she noticed you only with a bra on. "I-" you pause needing to think quick. "I accidentally dropped the glass and water got on my shirt!" You mutter looking at the glass. "I was just about to clean up the glass actually!" Luke butted in saving both your arses. "Well hurry up, get a new shirt one missy! Although I'm sure Luke is liking it!" Your mother said slightly smiling. "Mum!" You shriek surprised by her words. She laughs and finds another way to get to her office. "That was so freaking close Luke!" "I'm not complaining, I thought it went well!" He smiled deviously at you, grabbing your hips and swaying you closer.

"You love me!" Luke says reaching down and softly kissing your button nose. "I really do!" You whisper back and slip away from his grip. "Where are you going?" He asks as you carefully step out of the kitchen. "I'm finding a new shirt, and you're cleaning like you said you would!" You raise and eye brow and walk to your bedroom. You smile to yourself at the spontaneous event that occurred. 'Thank god for that glass breaking...'



Friendly reminder requests are STILL closed chill guys I'm almost done!

Nearly one million reads and 6k votes I can't Thankyou guys enough for all the sweet comments you leave! I literally love every person who reads any of my stuff so Thankyou guys!!! 😄❤️

Until next time that's all folks 😁

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