(Calum) 'Marry Me'

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I'm back! I've been putting off imagines for 4 months and I honestly don't know why... With school it does become harder, last year all I wanted to do was type after school and that would be my relaxing time, this year I've been sloppy, I haven't been typing at all and it's really not good so I'm hoping to come back from the dead and write more!

Anyway, on to the imagine now, dedicated to Kirsten. I'm so so so so so so so sorry for making you wait months on end! Overall I hope you like it!



It was a regular show day, touring with the guys you had been hanging backstage at every show. But today, you were concerned about something; you didn't know what but the guys were acting... Strange. At the moment they were performing What I Like About You, this was one of your favourites. "Keep on whispering in my ear, and tell me all the things I wanna hear, cuz it's true. That's what I like about you!" You sang loudly head banging to the rhyme. Once the song ended they all began to talk and make jokes. "In all seriousness, I have something to say." Calum started to speak, you had been to millions of sound checks and this had never been said. Interested, you kept your eyes on Calum for what he had to say next. "I would like to welcome a very special lady out on stage!" Girls scream waiting. "Kirsten babe, come on out!"

"Kirsten, I love you, I knew I did when I first looked at you, when I saw you enter the coffee shop down the street, when you 'accidentally' bumped into me. You know I still think you did that on purpose, but I'm glad you did. You are the best thing that's happened to me besides the band. I truly can't live without you, you're my rock and my home, you're always there for me, I want you to be mine. Beyoncé once said if you like it then you should put a ring on it, so I'm gonna put a ring on it." Calum glanced at you; tears were filling your eyes ready to fall any second. He turned to his microphone once more and stood close to you, his eyes connecting with yours. "Will you marry me?" He sang in the tone of Jason Durelo's song Marry Me. Your mouth opened in shock. You turn to the crowd of screaming girls who were yelling Aw, and smile. "Yes, oh my god, yes!" By this time you were grinning huge and crying tears of joy. "Oh thank god, I thought you were gonna say no!" Calum chuckles into the microphone and drops it; his hands collide over your waist as he holds you tight.

"Now you get back to performing!" You whispered smiling, "This one's for you!" Calum's soft lips kiss your cheek as you quickly step off the stage. "Congratulations!" People surrounded you cheering on what a wonderful surprise Calum gave. Nothing could have made you happier than this moment, until you walk down the aisle of course.

2 months later~

After finishing up touring all over the world, you were finally planning for your big day, it took a lot of stressful nights and days on end figuring out where to seat everyone, the theme of the wedding, what the cake would taste like, who were your brides maids and so on. It was tough to say the least but you got through it. 5 hours till the moment of walking down that aisle. "Breathe, just breathe." You had to remind yourself that it was actually happening. "Right we have the dress, and shoes. Let's go over the vows!" Your best friend had flown over to help you. She was great, always prepared unlike you who couldn't even remember what you had for dinner the night before (TOTALLY ME!) "Awesome, you're all set, now to make time pass!" She shouted grabbing your hand and landing you on the couch to watch TV.

"TWO HOURS OH MY GOD KIRSTEN!" You laughed, "Geez you sound more excited than I am!" You were so excited that you couldn't even show how excited you actually were. 'Better to save the happy tears for later' you thought. "I just have a loud way of showing it aye?" You both giggled; handy enough she was a beauty artist in hair and makeup. "Alright, let's get you dressed while your hair stays in place!" After placing the dressed and shoes on, you looked in front of the mirror. "Oh my," you gasp; you didn't recognise yourself in white. "There we go! All done!" Your hair was down, make up looking perfect and the vale was placed nicely.

"Here we go!" Your friend walks out and leaves you alone with your dad, ready to finally walk down that aisle. The dream of being married is finally here. Doors open and people rise, you peak a glimpse of everything, and flower girls enter the ceremony. Five seconds and it's your time to shine. Five, Four, Three, Two... You walk and smile. The classic tune of the piano plays in the background. Here comes the bride all dressed in white you sing. Calum turns back and grins at you, this is it. You say a quick thank you to your dad as he parts his ways. Turning your attention to the priest.

'I'm getting married, I'm getting married, I'm getting married, I'm getting married, I'm getting married, I'm getting married, I'm getting married, I'm getting MARRIED! I'm GETTING MARRIED, I'M GETTING MARRIED!'

"Can we have the rings please?" The priest speaks, 'already?' you think, time was running fast. Calum softly takes your hand, touches your ring finger and swiftly places the gold fitted ring on your hand; you repeat it to Calum and smile up at him. "Do you Calum take Kirsten to be your loyal wedded wife?" "I do." Calum squeezes your hands tight in a loving way. "And do you Kirsten take Calum to be your husband in wholly matrimony?" "I do." Something always got you in movies when someone getting married said I do, maybe it was the way they looked each other in the eyes, knowing they get to spend the rest of their lives with the person they love.

"You may now kiss the bride!" The way Calum looks at you with his big brown eyes made your heart melt and butterflies still enter your stomach, even after all these years he still made you nervous. Moving in closer until your noses were about to touch, closing your eyes and needing that one powerful kiss of a life time. Most probably caught on camera. You leant in more, your lips meeting; Calum's hands cup your cheeks in the process. A strong passion never breaks.

Love is a crazy and wonderful thing.


Sorry if that's not how you imagined it, I did the best I could!

This took me four hours, I'm sorry I couldn't write a detailed ending..... (Well kissing scene it's been a while haha)


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