(5SOS) 'Friends Forever'

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"I'm gonna miss you guys heaps!" You say as 5SOS are about to board their plane. "Group hug!" Luke says pulling everyone in. Your in between Ashton and Michael. "We've been through a lot together, I will never forget you guys, even if your traveling the world and becoming major rock stars or growing old together. I'll forever love you guys!" You say your speech as the guys huddle around and look up at you.

"That was a work of art" Michael says laughing. "What can I say? I had it all planned out" You laugh. Ashton raises his eye brow at you. "I was joking... or was I?" You chuckle. The boys laugh as you pull away from the group huddle. "Flight Sydney to London, England now boarding" The speakers said. You looked at the boys and smiled. There off doing what they love whilst you're going to be bored out of your brain.

"Aw don't worry, You'll be fine!" Calum says looking at you. He grabs you and pulls you in for a big bear hug. The rest of the boys follow as they say one last good bye to you. "Last call for Flight from Sydney to London, Now boarding" The loud speaker said again. "Farewell my friends!" You say as they start walking towards their gate.

"IM GONNA MISS YOU!!" You yell getting there attention. They all come running towards you. "Whoa! slow down" You say laughing as they give you one last cuddle each. "Don't miss us too much!" Luke says before they all head back to there luggage and walk down the hall.

They'll come back and we'll all be reunited again, because that's what friends forever do...


last #Imagine for today... maybe haha

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