(Calum) 'Intense'

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You walk through the doors of the studio with Calum, as the boys all sit down playing around with there instruments. Calum joins in with the rest of the boys, you sit down on a couch watching them. After they had finished recording a song, Calum looks at you and smiles. "That was amazing!" you say smiling back at him. "Glad you like it" he grinned.

"I love it" You say, now grinning. They've been on tour for so long, and your really happy that there back. Calum looks at the rest of the boys and starts smiling, he looks towards you and you worry. "What?" You look back at him confused. The boys stop what there doing and run over to you. You quickly stand up but your surrounded by them so there's no escape. Calum makes a move and pins you down on the couch tickling you.

"No- Please... Stop!" You say between laughing. You try and move out of his grip, but he's too strong. With his legs on either side of you, you attempt to tickle him back. But he doesn't seem to laugh or make any sudden movements. "Why you no tickle?" You say in a random accent. "I Dunno" Calum replied softly whispering.

He's stop tickling you, for now. He moves his body closer towards you, as you lay on the couch. His arms are now either side of you, keeping himself up so he doesn't crush you. "Ahem!" One of the boys cough. "Fuck off this is our moment!" Calum says keeping his eyes on you. "At least get a room!" Luke's voice says laughing. "Where in a room!" You say taking your eyes off Calum to look at Luke. "That's my girl!" Calum whispers. You chuckle as he winks at you.

"Alright, Alright god!" Luke says as the rest of them walk out. The door shuts as you look back at Calum, his big brown eyes staring right at you. "It feels good to be back" Calum says just centimetres away from you. "And if feels good to be back with you! I missed you so much!" You reply as a cool shiver goes down your spine. It's suddenly cold. "Aw poor baby is cold!" Calum suddenly lands completely on top of you.

His hands go around your waist as he cuddles you. "Oh my god, your so warm!" 'That's because he's wearing a jumper, stupid' You think as his body heat keeps the coldness away. Calum's head meets with yours as your foreheads now touch. He grins as he plants a kiss on your forehead, then moves to your cheeks. Your lips finally meet as they move in sync, his soft and gentle lips soon stop as he breathes. You smile as you kiss him again, his hands move to the side of you as he kisses you more passionately.

"I love you" He whispers in your ear as he kisses your neck. "I love you too" You reply as his lips meet back with yours. It feels like fireworks are exploding, but through your whole body, electricity and sparks go off with every simple touch. It starts getting intense, you hear a loud bang. You look over at the door. The boys walked in. "Enough of the make out session!" Michael shouts as he claps his hands.

Calum laughs as he finally gets of you, the heat keeping you warm, disappears. Calum gives you his hand and helps you up. You sit up straight as Calum grabs his Bass guitar and sits next to you. "(Y/N) IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PERSON IN THE ENTIRE WORLD" Calum sings loud. You laughs as you muck around with him and the boys.


Sorry if that wasn't the best! please vote if you liked it!! thanks for reading! :) x

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