(5SOS) 'Kidnapped'

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"You go left and I'll go right!" You yelled towards your friend, you were looking for your little brother who wandered off somewhere. "What if he's not there? What if we can't find him?" You started walking down the hall of the building. "Don't say what if! We will find him or I'll be in deep shit!" You answered back, walking faster to find him quicker. "(Y/N) any luck?" Yelled your friend. "No!" You replied walking further down, the hall was getting darker with each step you took. Swallowing the lump in your throat you kept walking, you can't stop now. "I can't see him!" Shouting you took another step. "Me either!" Your friends voice was faint. "Alright I'll keep looking and you check out the front!" You shouted back hoping you haven't wandered too far ahead, but you needed to find him, where could he have possibly gone off too? The darkness of the hall way scared you, was there light at the end of the tunnel? You shuffled your feet against what felt like carpet bring careful not to trip on anything.

Well you thought too soon, it was like you jinxed yourself. Shuffling is never a good thing if anything you should be stepping big so you don't trip, shuffling increases the chance of tripping and that, you had mastered. Landing on the floor with a huge thud, your head hitting against something, making you black out. "Is she okay?" A deep voice said. "Does she look okay?" Another one asked the other. "She's passed out!" One more voice shouted. "She better not think we kidnapped her!" One whispered. You groaned and opened your eyes. "What the fuck! Where am I?" You blinked serval times before seeing a few people standing over you. "Um what happened?" You asked the random people surrounding you.

"You passed out!" "Nah that's why I woke up and wondered where I am!" You smiled at their faces. "We were collecting speakers from the back room, when we saw your body..." "You looked dead! It was scary!" A guy with curly golden blonde hair spoke. "Oh geez must've hit my head pretty hard!" You attempted to get up, but the throbbing in your head got worse. "How did I get here?" You questioned the odd and confused hot boys. "Well if you looked dead... What would we do with a dead body?" A boy with tanned skin and black hair glanced around his friends. "Bring me into a moving van?" You chuckled as you eventually sat up. "Well we couldn't just leave you there!" One with red hair exclaimed chuckling after. "So uh, where are we going?" This was extremely weird, I mean what would you do if you woke up in a van with four got guys?

"Well I'm Luke and you are?" The guy with blue eyes said smiling. "(Y/N)" you returned the smile back. "This is Calum, Michael and Ashton!" Luke spoke with his deep voice. "Nice to meet you all, so where are we going?" You asked once again. "We're heading to the main stage around the front!" Ashton chirped placing his seat belt on. "What where you doing blacked out at the back?" Calum's eyebrows rose in confusion. "Oh I was looking for my little brother, I don't know why I thought he would be down there... My friend has probably found him already and wondering where the hell I am but it's cool!" The van had finally stopped completely. "We should probably get you back to your friend then..." Michael said looking at you, his hair was really bright, kinda like the sun except red but still blinding to the eye.

"Okay, uh still a little dizzy..." Your sight spun around as the throbbing slowed down. "Here!" Ashton opened the van door, holding his hand out to keep you steady. "Uh thanks..." You kept your head down and stepped off the van, gently letting your hand slip away from his. "(Y/N)?" You heard your friends voice. "Over here!" Your saw your best friend holding your little brothers hand. "You found him!" "He was playing on the stage with the lights-" she froze, her mouth opening. "What?" Glancing around you saw nothing. "Your- Your 5 Seconds O-Of Summer!" She grinned. "Who are they?" You questioned her. "The band playing tonight!" "Oh, awesome!" You laughed. "What were you doing with them? You didn't tell me!?" She shouted. "Was I suppose to know who they were?" She nodded, "oh..." You replied moving your feet up and down on your heels.

"What were you doing with them?" "Ummm..." You eyed them, turning around you formed a circle. "If you mention finding me blacked out I'm gonna have no choice but to kill you, got it?" You bit on your lip, "yep!" Michael was the only one to answer. "Alright!" You clapped your hands once before turning back to your friend. "I was looking for Tommy and I dunno they were just there..." "We friends now!" Calum placed and arm around you. "Well I'm (Y/N)'s friend soooo..." She looked over to them with hope in her eyes. "You our friend too!" Calum added smiling. "Yay!" She cheered, "I love you even more (Y/N)!" "Oh geez, thanks!" You snickered as she hugged you. Well things just got a lot better, well a part from the blacking out part and feeling slight dizzy.


I'm sorry I haven't updated in ages... Hope this makes up for it... Been busy updating my punk Michael fanfic once a week... Check that out if you want?


Thanks for reading! I appreciate all the nice comments and votes :-) x

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