(Luke) 'Something More'

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Nearly 6k reads! qertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnmjhgfdswertyuiuytfc hope you like this one! This is my first request! dedicated to Kasey :)  



Luke Hemmings, the boy you once knew. But never forgot... It all started when you were just little kids. But the memories soon faded as the time pasted by. Another day another memory missing and forgotten. You don't want it to be like that but how can you keep up with the time differences and not seeing each other for months. You keep having these dreams that he'll be back. Is it true? You wonder...

"Kasey?" you hear your name being called. "Kasey? Is that you?" the voice says, it's deep and soothing. You see an image in front of you, a boy. "I haven't seen you in ages! How have you been?" "L- Luke?" you question in shock. You thought you'd never see his face ever again. "That's my name don't wear it out!" He slightly chuckles. "Holy crap!" you're still in shock it's been a few years since you last saw him.

"What are you doing here?" You question. "I came to see you! I've missed you!" Luke says leaning in for a hug. You cuddle him, wrapping your arms around his back. "Uh Kasey, you can let go now!" Luke whispers as you hold him tight. "Oh um, yeah" You mumble as you finally take your hands off his back. "I've got a few days off so I came to chill with you! Is that okay?" Luke asks as he crashes down sitting onto the couch.

"Yeah!" You feel butterflies enter your stomach, you've missed him more than you thought and just seeing him in person doesn't even feel like his real. You don't know whether to tell him you've liked him since the day he left. Your mind keeps coming up with scenarios of what he would think if you told him.

Would he like you back? Would he hate you? What if he does like you back? Would he make a move?

There's only one thing to do... You have to tell him.

"Hey Luke!" You say as you land on the couch next to him. He looks at you as his hands are placed in his lap, waiting for you to continue.

"I... I um, I like you... a lot please don't kill me!" You say the last part quick and cover your face. As it starts burning up. You suddenly feel hands grab yours and take them away, showing your face. You slowly open your eyes scared to face Luke.

"I couldn't stop thinking of you! That's why I came here, I had to see you... I like you too Kasey!" Luke's voice whispers in your ear, making chills go slowly down your back. You smile and take notice of his lips. You notice a black stud on the left side of his bottom lips. You look down and imagine what that would feel like pressed against your lips, a finger is placed on your chin as it lifts your head up. Your eyes meet with Lukes as he grins slightly showing his teeth.

Suddenly his face appears closer than before. 'What's going to happen next?' You think as Luke's hand is now on your cheek with his thumb brushing your hair away. Your eyes look up to see his beautiful blue orbs staring into you. Suddenly you feel a cool metal thing pressed up against your top lip. Your lips move in sync with his, as you kiss passionately.

'Something more than friends finally!' you thought whilst you finally pull away and smile.


Hope you liked my first request! let me know if you want one! Comment below with which boy! Just note that I like going in order so I will complete other Imagines before I type yours! thank you for reading! <3

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