(Ashton) 'I Love You'

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Sorry this one took a long time, I started it but couldn’t think so I started again! But hope you like it! :) x

P.S sorry for spelling errors



“Yasmin?” A voice calls behind you. You turn around to be faced with Ashton. He’s been on your mind all day. “What’s wrong?” He asks placing his arms around your waist from behind. “Just thinking” You reply looking at the ground. Ever since you were a teenager you’ve had twitter, you were just a fan account and then you suddenly met Ashton at your school. That’s when things changed. Ashton and you became friends, then suddenly more than friends. You’ve been dating for almost 5 months. You have quite a lot of followers but that’s only because of the amount of time you’ve had it.

Ashton shared his relationship status and had pictures and tweets of you and him. That’s when it started to get to you. Are you ready for all the comments people are going to say? Everything suddenly shattered and caved down when people started sending hate. You would never reply or talk to them because it would just make things worse. And do you know what the worst thing is? Looking through your mentions with spam of hate, yeah there were some nice comments but the hate just gets to your head. And it’s dragging you down with them.

“Thinking about what?” Ashton’s voice echoed through your ears, making you lose your train of thought. “It’s nothing, really!” You say trying to sound happy. “I know there’s something wrong, you know you can tell me anything!” Ashton whispers, still holding you tight. “So please, tell me?” He begs. “If I told you, you would-” Your phone suddenly beeps. It’s a notification from twitter.

‘Ashton is mine! I don’t understand what he likes about you.  You’re just a worthless piece of shit and not even worth loving… Go die’

You take a deep and just stare down at your phone. Tears almost start falling from your eyes. Suddenly your phone beeps again, another tweet comes in.

‘Ashton doesn’t love you, he’s just being nice! You go die alone in a hole, he don’t love you! >:\’

You freeze, is it true? Does he even love you?

“Yas? Talk to me!” Ashton’s voice whispers in your ear, bringing you back to reality. You swallow the gulp in your throat and don’t reply; suddenly you hear something drop in front of you. You look down as your phone is faced down on the floor. You stand there still frozen, not even bothering to pick it up. “Yasmin!” Ashton says walking in front of you and picking up your phone. “No, don’t-” Ashton looks at the screen, the messages still coming up all over the place.

“Why didn’t you tell me about this?” He scrolls through your mentions. Your vision is now going blurry from the tears streaming down your face. “Ash, do you love me?” You wipe your eyes but tears just keep pouring down. “Yes, I love you with all my heart!” Ashton says wiping the wet tears from your cheeks. His hands are now placed around you as you hug into his chest. “I love you so much Yas, nothing is ever going to change that! Not a stupid tweet or anyone. I promise!” his face is only centimetres apart from yours.

You look into his gorgeous eyes and smile knowing that he does truly love you and wouldn’t let anything or anyone change that.  You’ve calmed down a bit as you just admire the beautiful and the most amazing person standing in front of you. Suddenly his lips are on yours, sparks and butterflies enter your body as you deepen the kiss. “I love you!” Ashton says as he pulls away to breathe. You smile knowing he is there for you, no matter what.


Hope that was alright, please vote and comment if you liked it! <3

Thanks for reading :)

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